14. There's always another way

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Warning: this fanfic isn't completely faithful to the series, please, if you find some information described in here wrong or odd, it's part of the fanfiction, it probably has nothing to do with the TV show. Thank you, enjoy this chapter!


Nathalie's eyes caught the heroes glances. She turned to them and tried to force a surprising smile at them. The blond woman with fearless green eyes next to her, offered them a smile.

The mystery woman wore a white blazer with pants perfectly matching with her luxurious outfit, a shining lip gloss that could possibly illuminate the Eiffel Tower at night.

"What can I do for you heroes?" - Nathalie questioned holding their gazes.

"Who is the woman near you?" - Chat asked stepping into the flat.

"Amelie Graham de Vanily." - she responded with a neutral face.

"Bullshit." - Chat hissed. He forced a chuckle humorlessly and pointed his finger at her angry. "I would recognise my mother even if I was dead. Stop lying, I know it's her."

Nathalie looked at him in horror. Shocked she tried to let a word slip out of her lips. "Adrien?"

"So you were alive this whole time? And you didn't event come back for me? Is this all my life? An eternal historical of lies?" - he asked, mentally hesitating not knowing if he wanted a response for that question.

"Listen to me Adri-." - Nathalie was interrupted by the Black cat in leather.

"NO! I'm done listening! I've spent my life listening and not being able to have a voice of my own and thinking that my time trapped in that house would never be over. And I begged internally for my mom to come back and sing to me stupid lullabies before I went to sleep, or to pass the back of her hand in my hair to calm me down after a storm." - he started to choke in his own sobs. "I just wanted her to tell me everything was going to be okay, I just wanted her."

Ladybug moved forward and hugged him in front of them. The adults were observing with sorrowing eyes, the gleaming love between the two teenagers. Her hands were place in his back, interacting slowly with his muscles and brushing them softly. She tried so hard not to cry too, seeing him so destroyed and broken killed all the little strength she had.

Emilie remained in silence, oblivious of what could she do. She still had to explain herself.

"Adrien, my sweet boy. I've only woken up yesterday from the coma, Nathalie helped me come back, she has told me everything."

"Explain it to me. If you're here, alive and healthy. Why didn't I receive a call from the hospital warning me that you woken up from the crazy coma?" 

"I needed to do some exams before being released, to check if I was okay. And I said to the doctors I wanted to surprise you."

That was probably the stupidest thing Adrien had heard in his entire life. And still the oblivious boy, fell for it.

"Did Nathalie tell you about the prophecy that's going to kill us all?" - he cleaned his tears and crossed his arms slowly.

"What prophecy?" - Emilie questioned looking at Nathalie.

She opened her mouth to speak, but couldn't manage to get the words out. Nathalie looked at the bracelet she was wearing, and leaded her left hand to it and started to play with it anxiously.

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