8. The Universe doesn't lie Kiddo

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Sunday, 12th of November of 2016

The morning was warm, the sky wasn't filled with many white puffy clouds, birds sang, the wind was low, everything seemed fine.

Marinette opened her eyes and got out of bed, she verified if Adrien was still asleep, and tried not to make too much noise to wake him up. She looked at him and saw his beautiful emerald eyes and smiled at him. Her smile faded away as she remembered that them being together would have cause the end of the world. She remembered that even after everything, she still loved that stupid cat.

She was humming quietly a song and making her bed, a reminder came into her mind, she had to finish a project for Monday.

She went to her balcony and closed the trap door carefully not to make a sound and called Hope.

"Good Morning." - she greeted holding her phone and looking at the beautiful blue sky in front of her.

"Good Morning Mari."

"So, Hope, what are we going to do with the project about the things we like about Paris?"

"Me and Chloé have already finished our parts, when you finish yours we meet later and plan the presentation, okay?"

"Okay, see you, bye." - Marinette said hanging up the phone.

She sighed and put her arms on the railing and looked at the horizon.

She decided to go back inside to finish her part of the project. Adrien was still asleep as she sat on the desk and started to write the assignment down.

Her part of the project was finally done and she fell asleep in her desk again, that was the 7th time in the week. Adrien had already woken up and she didn't even realized it, she was asleep. He saw her sleeping and smiled at the figure, another pathetic boy in love, it was so hard to manage such strong feelings for a girl. He picked up a blanket and covered her with it.

He realized he was staring too much. He started to look at her walls and noticed she didn't have any more pictures of him in there, strange, he would ask her when she woke up.

"Oh boy, you humans care too much about simple details, it's all about the cheese, trust me." - Plagg said coming out of nowhere.

"Uh?" - blondie boy asked genuinely confused. He cared more about the walls than Plagg's monologue about cheese.

"I was giving you precious live advice, you should've heard it."

"I'm sure it did include cheese or Camembert, you use it in almost every sentence you quote." - Adrien giggled.

"You're not wrong. Camembert is indeed one of the 7 wonders of the world, but, it's in second place."

"Wow, is there a cheese that attracts you more?" - Adrien asked ironically.

"Sugar Cube." - Plagg looked away and muttered loud enough.

"Tikki? As in Ladybug's kwami?"

"Yep." - he nodded with his little cute head. Adrien smiled at him, it was cute finally seeing Plagg showing compassion to other things that didn't have anything to do with Cheese, Camembert, or food in general.

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