6. Why do you need coffee?

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Saturday, 11th of November of 2016

10 days had passed and it was the day of Chloé's birthday. Honestly, nothing unusual happened in those past days, it were just exhausting akumas for both Ladybug and Chat Noir, while Hope hung out with Chloé sometimes, she also tried to spend time with Marinette. She knew in how much pression the Dupain-Cheng was, being a superhero and a "normal" person wasn't that easy.

"Ridiculous, utterly Ridiculous! The flowers are in the wrong place!" - Chloé exclaimed grumbling. "Put them a little bit close to the stairs." - Chloé demanded looking at the employer moving the vase of flowers where she wanted, Hope elbowed her.

"Say the magic words." - Hope said and Chloé rolled her eyes.

"Thank you." - he nodded his head with a smile and continued to work in the decoration for Chloé's Ball.

"This thing, called generosity is killing me!! And my feet too!" - Chloé exclaimed and Hope chuckled as she walked side by side with her.
They were going to Chloé's bedroom to pick the perfect dress and one for Hope too.

"This one?" - Chloé said picking up the green dress showing to her.

"Nah, too green." - Hope commented looking at the dress, from the top to the bottom. She kept showing her clothes until a yellow shiny dress appeared in one of Chloé's hands, it was perfect.

"Oh, that's just perfect! You should definitely wear this one." - Hope commented with a smile pointing at the beautiful dress.

"Yeah, that's exactly what I thought." - she said smiling.

The two girls chose all the dresses and accessories for the ball, and Chloé still needed to verify the list of guests for that special evening, Hope was by her side all time.

"Your not going to put Sabrina on the list?" - Hope asked looking at the list that Chloé was holding.

"I kinda had an argument with her last week. Because, you and I have been spending too much time together and, she was jealous and stuff."

"You even put Marinette on the list, I'm surprised how much you're evolving Chloé." - Hope smiled to herself thinking that part of her development was because of her, she really did change her a little bit. "But, you know, not including her on the list would only make things worse, she's still your friend Chloé."

"Unfortunately you're right, again." - Chloé sighed and wrote her name on the list.


"Marinette! Come here please!" - her mom called and she did it, she went downstairs to see why her mom had called her.

"What's going on Mom?" - she asked in confusion looking at her.

"There's a letter for you, more like an invitation." - Sabine said holding it, and then gave it to her.

"You're officially invited to Chloé's Bourgeois 15th Birthday Ball at---" - Marinette was reading it out loud and gasped.

"Whattt? Did Hope compel Chloé to do this or something?" - Marinette asked herself still saying it out loud looking at the roof wandering.

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