aftermath. 'tis the damn season (pt.1)

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AFTERMATH'tis the damn season (pt

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'tis the damn season (pt.1)

(WARNING: mentions of homophobia and homophobic slurs)


Being the only out lesbian in a school full of, in Octavia's words, "arrogant, daddy's money, morons" was difficult.

Her first week out was full of gross comments from guys saying that they could "make her normal with just fifteen minutes", to which Shelly responded with kicking soccer balls at their head later that day in gym class. And then girls constantly asking her "Oh, Em, Gee. You don't have a crush on me, do you?" Like, no Rebecca. That was her name, Rebecca.

And sadly, those under the breath whispers as she walked past someone by herself.




It came to the point where Jenny wouldn't come to school for days on end. She would be curled up in a ball next to her bed, no, not on her bed, next to it, with a tub of cookie dough ice cream and Stevie Nicks playing to drown out the memories of school.

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