iv. emerald green

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emerald green


When Octavia walked downstairs from her room, she could tell from the tense atmosphere that one thing was going to happen.

Her brother was going to get murdered by their mother.

Not only was it five minutes until their grandpa was going to be at their house for the dinner that their mom told them about multiple times, but hockey practice had also ended a while ago so Lucas should have been home and showered. But, instead, the boy was nowhere to be found.

And her mother was in the kitchen on the verge of possibly going insane, making Octavia nervous to even go downstairs. Before she could turn around and retreat back up to her room and avoid any interaction with her mother, the woman's voice cut her movements short.

"Octavia, come over here and help me set the table." The teenager nodded respectively and started to pass out the stacked plates. She knew not to do anything to get the woman even more angry than she already was, knowing that when Lucas gets home that it'll be hell. "Ugh, this night is a disaster. The lasagna is nowhere near to being done, your brother isn't home for god knows what reason, and your grandpa is supposed to be here any minute."

"Mom, hey, mom," Octavia rested her hands gently on her mother's shoulders and forced her to look at her. "Everything is going to be fine. No matter what happens, grandpa is going to enjoy tonight."

After taking a few breaths, the woman nodded. "You're right. As always, you are right."

"What can I say, it's a gift," Octavia smiled, earning a laugh from the stressed woman. One would say that Octavia had a unique relationship with Joanna, her mother. Even though it was clear that Joanna didn't approve of her daughters bluntness and sarcastic behavior, she still obviously loved her no less. Every day Octavia would receive a sharp glare for something that she said, no matter if they are with family or alone. But deep down, she knows that her mom loves her, no matter how stubborn or sarcastic she can be.

A knock on the door attracted their attention. An excited Octavia jogged to the door and opened it with a wide smile on her face. On the other side, stood Hans, also known as her favorite relative. "Grandpa!" She threw her arms around him, practically tackling him in the process.

"Tavie, it's been too long," the older man smiled as he scanned his granddaughter. "My you have grown. I hope that brain has gotten bigger as well." He slightly tapped the side of her crown with his index finger, making her eyes light up with excitement.

"Well, as a matter of fact, I am at the top of my class," She smiled. She loves her grandfather more than anything else in the world, and impressing him meant the world to her. In any way she could, she would show him that she is smart.

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