xiii. how many times can octavia blush in one night?

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THIRTEENhow many times can octavia blush in one night?

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how many times can octavia blush in one night?


Two days after Octavia and Adam made up, the duo was finally able to go on the movie date they talked about. The entire day, Jenny was excited and talking about what she could wear, how she should act, and what she should say— none of which she listened to. Then after practice when she rode home with Lucas, he decided it would be the best time to give her a... sex talk. And in the moment that it happened, never had Octavia ever thought that she would much rather be having the talk with her parents. Then when she got home, she was immediately bombarded by her mother who wanted to help her get ready. Octavia made a deal with her— she could sit in the bedroom and give three recommendations.

At first, Octavia put on a pair of simple black skinny jeans and a small zip up sweatshirt. Joanna was looking at her with her lips so far into her mouth pressed together that there had to be permanent marks on them. Octavia noticed the look and huffed and rolled her eyes. "What, mom?"

"How about if you," she dragged on the 'you' as she walked over to Octavia's very messy closet. She moved around a bunch of different clothes until she pulled out something— a black long sleeve that was small enough to hug her body and a jean jacket. "Wear this instead?"

Octavia would rather not admit it, but she kinda liked it. "Alright," she said, putting the shirt on. She also slipped on a pair of black shoes and looked at her mom basically asking her 'is this okay?'

Joanna nodded in approval before grabbing her daughter's arm and pulling her to the bathroom. She pulled a bag of make-up out of one of the drawers and held it up with an excited smile.

Octavia's eyes however grew with fear. "No, no, no, no, no, no, and did I mention— no!"

"Uh, I think yes, because this is my second recommendation," Joanna smirked in triumph. She motioned her daughter to sit on the vanity where they were at eye level. "Don't worry, I won't do a lot." She continued to pull out so much stuff that Octavia lost track of what was what after the mascara. In case it wasn't clear before, Octavia wasn't the type to care about her looks— so that means that she doesn't care enough to spend money on stuff to put on her face. She would much rather spend her money on Oasis or Pearl Jam records.

But as she sat there looking at the intensely focused face her mom was making, she couldn't help but feel a little indecisive. Whenever Jenny would try to put makeup on her when they had a sleepover before school or something, she wouldn't let her get anywhere near her with the lipstick tube. And now, she wasn't even bothering to fight off her mom. Because, sure she said that her mom could have a few things that she could do or change, but it's not like she couldn't fight her off. She could easily make it so she doesn't end up wearing any of it. And now, she's sitting in the bathroom while her mom does something that she had been wanting to do for way too long.

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