ii. sugar and spice

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TWOsugar and spice

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sugar and spice


OCTAVIA ISN'T VERY keen on social interaction, hence the reason in which she didn't want to show the new kids around the school. The only people that she can actually stand are her best friends and brother, but there are still times when she feels tempted to slap them across the face. After the first hour class, she felt a sense of relief and relaxation as she neared Jenny and Shelly at the lockers.

Shelly was taking a book out of her locker while also talking seemingly fast. Her arms were flying all over the place, books still in hand, and she took small breaths from her ranting to apologize to the student that she wacked in the face. Jenny leaned against the locker in all her glory, blonde hair flowing downs her back, beautiful heels set on the floor and the other leaning against the locker. She pretended to listen to one of her best friends, nodding along whenever Shelly said "right", and started chipping at her nails, which were most likely going to have to be repainted due to the amount of time she spends digging her nails under them.

Octavia approached them with a tired look in her eyes and droopy shoulders. She held a book in a loose grip at her side as she took long strides towards her friends. Noticing the bags under her eyes, Jenny gave her a concerned look. "You look tired, how late were you up last night?"

The blonde shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, I was typing my essay for Mr. Holmes' class and then passed out mid-sentence. These teachers are giving us homework that are due the next day and we have no time to research for them because we are already spending so much time on the other ridiculous assignments creating it so every paper is impetuous and poorly written. And it didn't help that I had to deal with my brothers idiot teammates and the new kids." Octavia leaned against the lockers with a sigh and shut her eyes. The back of her head banged against the lockers, giving her a small sting, but not so much that it hurt.

Both girls looked at her with sympathy, they knew how much time she spends on her assignments and how much she cares about her future. The Martin girl has everything planned out and it was important that she gets A's so it can all stay in tact. Shelly closed her locker and went to one side of Octavia, while Jenny went to the other. Each of them took and arm and brought her along the hallway towards her class, knowing she probably wouldn't go unless they dragged her there.

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