xv. "adam's got a cruuuush" "yeah no shit averman"

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FIFTEEN"adam's got a cruuuush" "yeah no shit averman"

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"adam's got a cruuuush" "yeah no shit averman"


The next few days were a little different for Octavia, starting with the fact that Shelly was stuck at home because of food poisoning. Her and her family went to a sushi restaurant for her brother's birthday and apparently they had bad shrimp that only Shelly and her dad ate. Octavia and Jenny visited her after school a few times but not every day— they wanted her to get as much rast as she could. Tryouts for a club team for soccer were coming up and she needed to be ready for them. Whether or not she made the team could determine her entire future in the sport. Ever since she was little, Shelly had dreamed of being on the Women's Olympic Soccer team, and she was not about to let a little food poisoning get in the way of her and her goals. Now, while Octavia doesn't know much about sports (besides hockey, since she fucking grew up surrounded by the sport) she does know how much one sport in particular can mean to someone.

Adam Banks, for instance.

On the first day that she met him, Octavia was able to determine what kind of person he was in the first hour. She made up her mind that he was a hockey-obsessed jock that could make any girl weak in the knees just by one simple smile. But what she didn't realize was that she had barely even scratched the surface of who Adam Banks was. The more she got to know him, she got to learn how much hockey really actually meant to him. During one of the days they spent in the library, Octavia got to know Adam a little more, and Adam got to break through some of the shell that Octavia wrapped herself in.

Octavia was going through one of the worksheets that Adam was given and marked the mistakes he made. Much to her actual surprise, there weren't that many. Admittedly, when she first met him, Octavia most definitely jumped to the conclusion that he was going to be some brain-dead jock. Even when she found that he was in the same class as her, she thought he was going to end up confused as hell and piss her off when she was trying to explain something. Well, when he talks he will sometimes make her want to yank her necklace backwards... so, so far... but then she gets over it after a few seconds. So basically when he stops talking about hockey.

"Alright, you did pretty good actually," Octavia told him.

"Hey," Adam said, feigning offence and dramatically putting a heart over his chest. "What's with the tone of surprise?"

Octavia lightly chuckled at his antics. "Sorry, I just normally don't meet many smart athletes, let alone hockey players."

"Nah, I get it," Adam laughed, waving it off.

"Alright, just check number six," Octavia told him, sliding the paper over to him. While he did that, she pulled out her biology homework and started working on it. Well actually, she didn't really work on it— because for about five minutes, she stared at the same question, barely even comprehending it. She started tapping her pencil on the table and bouncing her leg up and down. There was no way she was about to do biology. She looked at Adam who was writing a few numbers onto the paper, looking bored out of his mind as well. "So, how's being on varsity been treating you?" She asked him.

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