vi. stick and puck

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SIXstick and puck

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stick and puck


The next few days hadn't been as exciting as the day that Cole held literal horse shit in his hands, much to Octavia's dismay. She would pay to see someone put any form of shit in Rick's hands. It mostly consisted of her either at school, hanging out with Shelly and Jenny, or working with Adam.

Since on Friday Octavia and Adam got together to work, they skipped Saturday and instead the former went somewhere that she hadn't been in quite a while. The Mall of America. Her, Jenny, and Shelly walked side-by-side and weaved their way through crowds of people.

It was clear that, based on practically her entire personality, Octavia wasn't the biggest shopper. Specifically clothes shopping. She loves to go to small book or music stores, aka a place with something that she actually likes. But shopping for clothes wasn't her thing. Her day-to-day style mostly consisted of a simple pair of jeans and a sweater or a sweatshirt— simplicity.

But, being the great friend that she was, Octavia sacrificed her happiness for the sake of Jenny and agreed to go to the mall.

Somehow, the trio had only been at the mall for forty-five minutes, and Jenny already had arms filled with bags. They had only gone to two stores and the blonde had two filled-to-the-top bags that had to be cutting off her circulation from the weight. Shelly held one bag that only carried a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt, the only things that had caught her eye since they had been there. And Octavia carried a bag from when she forced her friends to wait outside of the bookstore that she went in. After that, she also picked out a new pair of sunglasses, her other ones having broke. Then in her other hand, she held a green tea, her favorite.

The three girls were on their way to find a place to sit and eat— or as Jenny liked to phrase it, "refuel for another hour of shopping."

Just as she was about to turn a corner, Octavia almost ran into someone, just about giving her a heart attack. "Oh, sorry," she apologized. When she raised her head and got a better look at the two people before her, she recognized them instantly. "Oh, hey Julie, Connie." She smiled at the pleasant surprise.

"Hey Octavia," Julie said, returning the gesture as well as Connie. Both hockey players held a few bags in their hands, looking like they've been at the mall for a while. "Hey guys," she greeted Jenny and Shelly, who waved respectfully.

"Hey, what're you guys up to?" Jenny asked with a smile on her face. A smile that was more directed at Julie than Connie, something that Octvaia noticed and was going to tease her about later.

"Well Connie was just showing me the Mall of America, since I've never been, being from Maine and all," Julie answered.

"Well I hope you are enjoying our mall," Octavia side, gesturing to their big building. "Hey, we were just about to go get some lunch, would you guys like to join us?"

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