vii. rosey cheeks

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SEVENrosey cheeks

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rosey cheeks


Adam and Octavia walked side by side through the cool Minnesota air. They had just gotten done with an after school session where Octavia started to help him on other subjects. Adam claimed to have not been doing the best in his biology class, and since Octavia had taken advanced placement this year, they decided to extend their sessions.

Afterwards, Adam insisted on walking her home. His gesture made Octavia start to tease about how he's her knight in shining armor, making him blush hysterically this time.

Octavia was carrying his backpack along with hers, since he needed to carry his hockey bag and sticks. He had to take his skates home since they were due for some sharpening, and might as well take the whole bag was his mindset.

"I have a question," Adam said, interrupting the comfortable silence they had going.

"And I'll hopefully have an answer," Octavia replied, she smiled but when she saw Adam being more on the serious side, it dropped a bit.

"Why are you only really nice to me?"

The question caught her off guard, not just because she had never thought about it, but because he was. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I guess when I was asking people about you, they just-"

"-hold on," Octavia stopped him. "You asked people about me?" She couldn't resist the smirk that worked its way up to her face. Adams eyes widened at the fact that he spilled that.

"W-well, that was the day that I met you and I kind of wanted to know who you were," Adam stuttered.

After a moment of silence of looking at each other, Octavia said "Cute." It was as if they had switched roles from the previous night. At the game, it was Octavia that was all nervous and everything, but now she was getting cocky and smirky. While Adam stood there like a tree, not knowing what to say. "I mean, you haven't really given me a reason not to."

After they had continued on for a while and started nearing Octavia's house, Adam stopped once he saw a frozen pond surrounded by snowbanks. It was empty, but the lines on it showed that a few people had been there earlier that day.

"Whatdya say, up for a little skating?" Adam asked.

Octavia couldn't help but laugh at the sudden suggestion. "Um, no?"

"What, why?" Adam asked in confusion.

"Well, for one, I don't keep a pair of skates on me at all times like most people," she points out.

"Then I guess it's a good thing I always keep an extra pair in my hockey bag," Adam says, setting his bag down and pulling out two pairs of skates— the one he uses in a game and another pair that look like they hadn't been used in a while. "Just for extra precaution."

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