thank you!! (please read ily)

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So i think i'm going to make it a thing where at the end of every one of my books i'll make an authors note talking about it!

For one i just want to say thanks to you all who read this and that i didn't think it would become as liked as it is. You are the reasons that i kept writing this because i wanted you guys to hear the rest of the story.

And i also definitely didn't think that the story was going to turn out like this as well. I had a whole different thing at the start where lucas didn't have the ark that he has, and i don't know if it matters to anyone but i would like to say it for anyone who it does, lucas is bisexual (which is another thing i didn't have planned). He didn't realize it until he had the moment with scooter, but with octavia standing by his side, he was able to get through it and eventually come out to their parents! He was not ashamed of it at all, he was just struggling with the fact. They were supportive and told him that no matter who he loved, they would love him for who he was. I know that it can be hard for people to come out as who they are, but just know that even if it may not seem like it, there are people that will support you. If this is something that you happen to be struggling with, message me and i promise i will listen!

One thing i did however plan for was octavia to be related to hans since before i even started the book because i wanted her to have more connection to the movie and the characters. Which is also why i made her friendships with connie and julie happen a little more often that i had originally planned. I didn't want any more interaction with other ducks because, although i love them with all my heart, it's just not the type of person she is. I mean you read how hesitant she was with connie and julie at the beginning. There's a reason why she liked to just be with jenny and shelly.

Another thing that i really didn't plan and was really just a spur of the moment thing was what happened to octavia in the bathroom. I said it was from not eating and sleeping as much as she used to (that was the basis of the passing out) and an anxiety attack. but if its not even close to an anxiety attack then don't hesitate to tell me! I've never had one nor have i seen one and would like to correct it if needed. This also led to me going into more detail on her relationships with lucas, joanna, and daren, another thing i didn't have set up. I knew i was going to talk about lucas more and their relationship but i wasn't planning to put their parents in as much as i did. But as i got more into the story, i thought about how i wanted to give more detail on octavia's life and kind of why she's the way she is and what better way then to talk about her and her parents?

I also actually didn't have adam and octavia's fight planned until probably the fifth time i rewatched tmd3 and thought "oh shit thats good." it took a lot of rewrites and going over until i finally got it to where i like it. I felt bad for putting my girl through so much crap but that just made her becoming happy so much better.

I wrote wayyyy more original parts and chapters then i thought i was going to at the beginning. I was thinking i was going to just stay on the story line of the movie for the whole book but then as i got more into octavia as a character i realized there was so much more that i could do. Some of my favorite parts to write were the cute adam and octavia blushy blushy moments. I also loved writing octavia's little rants because i thought they brought life to her character. In case you couldn't tell, i based her off of kat stratford from 10 things i hate about you. It is one of my favorite movies and kat is one of my favorite characters as a whole. Also tell me if you got my reference in the second chapter!

Now some might disagree with how fast octavia was to forgive adam, but this is how i wanted people to see it. Octavia had spent her past few years with the need to be much more mature than others but with adam, she didn't have to. She liked being with him and she just felt like she needed to be a teenager and make the mistakes a teenager would make.

I dont know if it was confusing or if anyone was even wondering this, but in my story, adam and octavia are sophomores (along with jenny, shelly).

I also have a questions— did it piss anyone off at the fact that they won though? Like the point of a varsity and junior varsity team is to divide up the players based on level of play or whatever. And it would have made sense if varsity won because they are supposed to be the better team. But yaddy yaddy yadda it's a movie blah blah blah.

Another thing about the movie, they did not give Adam enough screen time!! He deserved more parts in the story! Like half the stuff that happened with him was implied in every one of the movie, but never showed— especially in the third one. Which is why I had to include his struggle myself. Like we at least should have seen him rekindle his relationship with the team but noooo, we have to watch charlie complain for forty-five minutes (dont get me wrong charlie is a smol bean but adam needed more). He was always the punching bag and was treated horribly wayyy too much.

And dont even get me STARTED on the hockey games. Like i see better games and plays when i ref u10 games. They made me so uncomfortable that there's a reason why i didn't actually write out their first one. I know that theyre supposed to be sort of ridiculous but i just got way to uncomfortable because none of them looked like they could even skate and common sense is like completely thrown out the window. And SHIT i could even score on these goalies and im a defense. And when the boys literally cross check julie into her net!!! Like take that scene out if you're not going to have someone go into the box because in an actual game there would be fucking consequenses.

And then I kind of wanted to include this for some reason, but this was legit my original line for when adam blocks the puck during the last game.

"But Adam Banks— the fucking superhero hockey god that he is— saves the goddamn puck!"

Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


Comment here if you want me to do a Q&A with the characters and i might! And if you do comment your questions! >

If you have any recommended original chapters you want, leave a comment! I loved writing this book and wouldn't want to let it go just yet. If there's something from before, during, or after what i wrote that you want to read, just ask and i'll see what i can do! I already have some in the drafts so tell me if you want to hear them! If I don't get any comment ps though, then I won't.

I'll even put a: recommended by _____ a the beginning of the chapter so i can ensure that you don't miss it if you comment one that you want!

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