iii. isn't it lovely

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THREEisn't it lovely

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isn't it lovely


THE RIDE HOME from the rink had been silent and tense. Lucas kept his eyes on the road, which his sister had been very thankful for, but he also kept his mouth closed. Every time he looked like he was about to open his mouth and say something, Octavia would give him a pointed look and his mouth would just snap shut. Normally, she would be grateful that they lived close to the school so Lucas didn't have to stay at the school and she could get rides home and not have to go on the bus, but at this moment, she was just too annoyed with him to even care. When the car pulled into the driveway, it probably wasn't even in park before she tumbled out of the car and ran straight up to her room, sparing one second to yell a quick hello to her mother who was sitting in her usual chair reading a book.

The teenager threw her bag onto her bed and plopped down with her back on the bed and her knees hanging over the edge. She turned her head to her clock and saw it read six o'clock, which meant she was working with Adam in an hour. Groaning as she sat up, Octavia pulled out her own homework that she wanted to finish before she had to eat dinner and meet Adam at the diner.

After a half an hour of endless writing and groaning in boredom, Joanna, her mother, called her down to eat. She went downstairs to find her brother and her father sitting at opposite ends of the table, her mother at one side, and and open chair across from her mother. Taking the seat, Octavia slowly started to place food onto her plate. Her father, Darren, was in a heated argument about god knows what with Lucas. She might've heard the words "hockey" and "idiot" a few times, but didn't pay much attention to it.

Joanna, having enough of her husband and sons talking, said, "Alright, alright. Can we just calm down and have a nice family dinner?" When she gave both of them a pointed look, they nodded and started eating. "So how was your day Octavia?"

"Make anyone cry?" Darren asked, giving his daughter a lopsided grin.

Octavia and her father had a pretty good relationship. Darren happened to be a well known doctor is the state of Minnesota, and was very professional and smart, both of which the girl inherited from him. He would always encourage her when she started talking shit about her classmates or teachers. When she was younger, they would always sit in the kitchen and work on the small girl's homework, not that he was much help anyway.

Lucas has always been jealous of the father daughter relationship. He'd always try to gain the man's attention and approval when he played hockey, but the grown man never seemed to care for the sport. That is, until he made varsity and has a guaranteed scholarship to University of Duluth, Minnesota.

Looking up from her pork to her father, the blonde mirrored his grin with one of her own. "Not yet," The toe of a foot hit her shin and Octavia let out a yelp. She faced her mother who gave her a stern look. Now, the relationship with her mother, not so good.

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