ix. guys 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘭𝘺 suck

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NINEguys seriously suck

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guys seriously suck


Octavia wouldn't say that she was a complete pessimist. Sure, when she met people she tended to notice a specific aspect about them that made her doubt the fact that they would be able to get along.

Even when she met Jenny in sixth grade she doubted it. The perky blonde with bright clothes and nearly a full face of makeup, meeting the girl who could not give two shits about her appearance. But, when Jenny stood up and sucker-punched a boy when he told her that she was ugly, she knew that a beautiful friendship was going to bloom.

Shelly too. When she accidentally hit her in the head with a soccer ball during gym one day, Octavia's face made it look like she was about to rip her head off. But when they were walking towards the nurse to get an ice pack, they bonded over their hatred for male jocks that have too much masculinity, or ones that think they have it.

It was after meeting her two best friends that Octavia realized that she tended to judge people too fast and needed to wait until she got to know them. That is, until she went to Eden Hall where everyone annoyed the actual living crap out of her. And when she kept making the quick decision to not like someone right away, all they did was prove her right in the end.

Except for Adam though. Of course when she met him for the first time, she thought he was going to be a typical male jock, but he turned out to be way more than that. He was caring, smart, funny, and made her smile. Then, everything else kept flooding in. He made her giggle one time. Giggle. Octavia Martin doesn't giggle. It was from that moment she thought he was going to be someone that would stick by her.

Keyword being thought.

Ever since they had their argument in the arena, they didn't talk to each other. No matter how many times Adam would say her name from across the hall and tap her shoulder during class, wouldn't say a word to him.

It would've been easier for Adam if she went out of her way to avoid him. If when she looked at him, her eyes widened and she got nervous. Or even give him a glare, showing her anger towards him. If, just by one glance, she would turn the other way when she saw him, because at least she would be acknowledging his existence.

But instead, she completely ignored him. If they find themselves in the same hallway or room, Octavia will walk by him without addressing his presence. They would pass by each other, him staring at her longingly, admiring her laugh and her smile, and her just looking straight ahead. She would either be talking with her two best friends or just alone, but either way, it was always the same.

Now unlike Adam, Octavia was one to mask her feelings while she was at school. To her, school is school and has no place for her emotions to go all over the place. While she's there, she only pays attention to her studies. She didn't even bother to move from her spot in math. Instead, she just stares straight ahead, and during work time, she plugs in her headphones and shuts out the world.

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