i. stereotypical jock

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ONEstereotypical jock

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stereotypical jock


TO SAY THAT OCTAVIA hated her school was the understatement of the century. She utterly despised it. Every class was either full of neanderthals that didn't know shit, or preppy girls that cared more about getting a guy's attention than a good education. The only reason she goes there is because her brother got a scholarship to be on their varsity hockey team, and so did she when her parents sent in an application without her knowledge. Of course, she got accepted. Perfect grades her whole life, and her previous teacher described her as "an open-minded intellectual." But that was public school, and the teachers here described her as "the girl who can't keep her mouth shut." Not only the teachers, but the students too. The only reason being, none of them can come up with a witty enough comeback for her.

And so when every one of the said neanderthals are put in a room together, Octavia is seconds away from doing some pretty vulgar things.

She sat in between her friends Shelly and Jenny, who for some reason insisted on sitting in front of the varsity hockey team. To her right, Shelly was staring into space, slouched in her seat with her arms crossed (also looking like she was about to murder someone). And to the left, Jenny bordly picked at her perfectly painted nails with her legs crossed in a neat way. And as for Octavia, she sat normally with To Kill a Mockingbird resting on her lap opened.

The blonde was about to turn the page when she felt her knee get poked. She craned her neck up to see Shelly standing from her seat and letting people through. Octavia put a bookmark in her page before getting up from her seat and letting them pass. She didn't recognize any of them, and made the assumption they were new.

She sat down and was about to go back to her book, but one of the varsity idiots caught her attention. "Hey, you know what?" Rick asked. His attention was facing the teens that just passed them and calmly sat down, not bothering anyone. "You Ducks don't belong here at Eden Hall." Octavia's eyebrows rose up in realization. The reason she didn't recognize them was because they were the new jv hockey team. Her shocked eyes met Jenny and Shelly's, who were also listening in close on the conversation.

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