v. angel eyes

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angel eyes


It was safe to say that Octavia sucked at sports, but only because she agreed. She can't kick a soccer ball to save her life, she misses every time she tries to hit a baseball, refuses to catch a football that is thrown at her because she knows that she will drop it, and falls on her butt every time she tries to skate. But, she tolerates them due to one of her best friends being completely obsessed with them.

Every day during lunch, Shelly would go out onto the football field and do drills with her soccer balls, and Octavia and Jenny would sit on the bleachers. The latter would either paint her nails or reapply makeup, being the beauty she is. And the former would work on whatever homework she had, or just read. Octavia loved it in the spring and fall, the feeling of the sun on her shoulders and the light breezes that were small enough to keep them from not getting heat stroke, but not big enough where she would have to hold the pages down a lot.

But this day was different.

When Octavia exited her english class, Shelly and Jenny were right next to the door waiting for her but instead of dragging her to the field, they brought her to the cafeteria. The blonde attempted to turn around and run as far as she could to increase the distance between her and the room full of intoxicating masculinity and endless judging. Sadly, the grip that her two best friends had was too strong for her.

"No, I refuse to stoop down to the level of these imbeciles and give in to the insecure low life feeling of not being good enough and attempt to rid myself of said feelings by giving in to this pressure and eating away my emotions. Nor do I want to spend any time breathing the same air as the idiotic morons that kill my brain cells with every word that is said to me."

"Oh please, you're completely overreacting," Shelly said, rolling her eyes for about the twentieth time that day.

Their conversation grabbed the attention of the junior varsity hockey team that was sitting at their table. They watched as the group of three passed by them and made their way down the large room towards an open table.

"Am I?" Octavia asked. She was about to walk towards an open table, until something caught her attention out of the corner of her eye. Cole was taking one of the new kids lunch right out of the poor boy's hand.

Narrowing her eyes, Octavia approaches them with no fear whatsoever. "Cole," The boy looked up when he heard his name and got a very when he saw who it was. "How much more cliche can you get? Stealing a kids lunch, that's so old I bet your grandfather did it when he was your age." She took the paper bag out of his grasp and handed it to Kenny who innocently watched the exchange. Giving the older boy a disgusted look, Octavia shook her head and turned around.

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