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A Five Hargreeves x Reader Blurb

SUMMARY: After years of being alone and growing up neglected from love, Five fees vulnerable showing and receiving it but slowly realizes he craves it

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SUMMARY: After years of being alone and growing up neglected from love, Five fees vulnerable showing and receiving it but slowly realizes he craves it

WARNING(S): Fem!Reader (578 words)

Entering the living room of your apartment the sound of faint music playing coming from your room caught your attention

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Entering the living room of your apartment the sound of faint music playing coming from your room caught your attention. Cautiously walking towards your room you let out a sigh of relief when your eyes landed on your boyfriend Five Hargreeves, standing with his back towards you as he stared at the frames on your wall.

Realizing he still hasn't noticed your presence you walked up behind him, careful to not make a sound as you wrapped your arms around his waist, causing his body to tense for a moment before realizing it was you. He was slightly less tense but not completely relaxed, noticing this you let go.

"I'm sorry I should've asked," you said sincerely causing his eyes to soften as a smile crept onto his face. You forgot that Five hated physical affection, he always said how it made him feel - and look - vulnerable. How even dating you would make not only himself but you vulnerable as well. Of course you never understood what he meant by that due to Five being a very closed and personal person but you respected his space.

For the rest of that night you two decided to order pizza and enjoy each others company while you both read the many books you owned. Eventually, the both of you fell asleep with Five on top of your bed while you were asleep leaning against your bed sitting on the ground, the book still in your lap.

"(Y/N)" Five shakily called after waking up in the middle of the night. He had just woken up from a nightmare, the same nightmare that he has been seeing for the past week. Seeing as you wouldn't wake up, he decided to pick you up to sleep on your bed and just wait for you to wake up. The clock on your nightstand read 4:36 am and he let out a shaky sigh. After tucking you in Five decided to make a coffee to keep him up, not wanting to go back to sleep and experience the same dream again. Turning around, he barely moved a step before you reached out to grab his hand still half asleep. This caused him to stop dead in his tracks and his body to tense no matter how many times he told himself it was only you.

"C'mere Five" You said groggily as you spread your arms out slightly. Hesitantly, he climbed into your bed where he was immediately engulfed into your arms. It took him a moment for him to get use to it but soon feeling your grip relax his body relaxed into your arms. Growing up he and his siblings were usually neglected of love or any sign of affection. Reginald not wanting them to be emotionally attached but completely oblivious to the emotional and mental damage he caused them.

For once after countless years of being alone, Five fell asleep easily and didn't have those nightmares.

The next morning Five woke up with an arm lazily draped over him, turning around to face you a smile made its way to his face as he admired you. You looked so relaxed and peaceful when you were asleep and not stressed, you were a busy women with a life ahead filled with endless possibilities. Planting a kiss to your forehead and watching you move in your sleep a little due to the contact Five let out a small laugh, maybe he didn't mind affection.

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