𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄, lovebirds

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A Five Hargreeves x Reader Blurb

PROMPT: "I would marry the shit out of you

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PROMPT: "I would marry the shit out of you."

CONTAIN(S): Alcohol consumption, fluff, takes place during first season (644 words)

"Dance with me," you said to your boyfriend, spreading an arm out for him to take as you swayed by yourself in the middle of the living room

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"Dance with me," you said to your boyfriend, spreading an arm out for him to take as you swayed by yourself in the middle of the living room. Soft music played in the room as the smell of whisky filled the large room in the Hargreeves manor.

Luckily, all of his siblings were out of the house tonight; Diego was getting waffles with Klaus - and Ben - at a local diner, Allison and Vanya were getting drinks at a bar and Luther was, well, neither you or Five knew or cared. This left the manor empty and quiet, especially the bar where you and Five had way too many drinks. Though you both had the same amount of alcohol Five handled his alcohol better than you did.

Five looked at you with a raised brow, watching you dance by yourself in the middle of the room with the bottle of alcohol still in your hand. You were drunk but Five decided to not drink a lot so that he could take care of you, who needs a lot of supervision while drunk.

Chuckling as he stood up, he took your hand while the other grabbed the bottle of alcohol and placed it down on the table near you. The music still playing as you both slow danced in the dimly lit room.

Placing your head on his chest as you both swayed along to the music, a yawn escaped your lips causing Five to let out a small laugh.

"Maybe you should go to sleep love," he said with a smile, placing a kiss to the top of your head. Shaking your head, not wanting to sleep, you started pouting as he picked you up bridal style and spatial jumped you both to his bedroom.

"You should sleep before you do something stupid like you did the last time." Five said as he laid you down in his bed causing you to whine like a child. Laughing at your childish behavior he placed a kiss on your lips as he laid down beside you. You were beyond tired and so was he, so as you were laying in Five's arms with him lazily drawing shapes on your arm you were zoned out in your thoughts.

"Would you marry me in the future?" you asked him curiously. You frequently enjoyed planning out your future growing up, you were both 18 and have been dating for nearly a year now. Not that you wanted to get married at this age, you were just curious and still under the influence of alcohol.

Five thought for a second, thinking of how to actually respond. He loved you yes but the thought of marriage had never crossed his mind. "I would marry the shit out of you if I could" he responded, voice muffled as he spoke with his face pressed into your neck. His breathes tickling you causing you to giggle.

"Aweee, Diego come look at the lovebirds!" You heard Klaus practically scream from the door frame. Five sat up groaning, rolling his eyes at the sight of Klaus and Diego standing outside his bedroom door that he hadn't closed.

"Do you guys mind leaving? And closing the door as you do so?" Five asked, clearly annoyed at the lack of privacy. After a brief moment of the two brothers standing outside laughing, they finally decided to leave and close the door.

"Sorry bout my brothers, they don't know how to act at times" Five apologized as he pressed a kiss to your temple before getting under the covers again and cuddling with you, causing you to press your face into his chest.

"Good night Five" you said sleepily, the effects of alcohol finally wearing off so you can sleep.

"Good night my love" Five said, kissing the top of your head as his fingers ran through your hair.

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