𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄, fresh wounds

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A Five Hargreeves x Reader Oneshot

SUMMARY: Five has to meet with his alternative self who traveled back to 1963 to assassinate JFK but, he didn't travel alone to complete that mission and he isn't quite sure if he's ready to see that person again

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SUMMARY: Five has to meet with his alternative self who traveled back to 1963 to assassinate JFK but, he didn't travel alone to complete that mission and he isn't quite sure if he's ready to see that person again. After all, he did have to make sacrifices to save his siblings back in 2019.

WARNING(S):One mention of dying/death, fem!reader (871 words)

There was only one option left and as much as Five wished it wouldn't have had to come to it, he knew he had to

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There was only one option left and as much as Five wished it wouldn't have had to come to it, he knew he had to.

He knew it'd be dangerous, for both the side effects and his other self's reaction, but he was scared for how he would react.

Sure he was able to save his siblings from the apocalypses in 2019 but he wasn't able to save all his loved ones from that timeline. He wasn't able to save you, the person who accompanied him during the 45 years he worked for the Commission. He liked to remind himself that it wasn't his fault because that'd what you would've said but he couldn't help but feel guilty whenever he remembered that night.

Had he waited for just 10 more seconds, would you have possibly been able to travel back with him? What if he had risked just a few more seconds, could you have been by his side right now?

"Oh, my god. Five, you're a genius." Luther said, snapping him back to reality.

"However, there are three significant problems with this plan. Problem number one; I am a trained assassin. If I know me, I'm not going to react kindly to bumping into myself. Problem number two, I arrived in Dallas 15 minutes ago alongside (Y/N), arguably one of the most dangerous assassin in the space-time continuum though I often claim that I am. Don't tell her I said that." Five said, stopping in his steps to turn to his brother who nodded, a small smirk on his features which he tried to hide. "Lastly, problem number three, and this is the real fly in the ointment here: you're not supposed to exist in close proximity to yourself in the same timeline."

Luther thankfully took in the information well. It was refreshing for a change. After a quick run down of the possible side-effects either versions of him could experience, he was ready to leave though they both knew it wasn't exactly the best idea. There wasn't a guarantee that everything would work according to plan and if that happens, they might all be stuck in 1963 with doomsday.

"Look, Luther, I'm gonna need you to help me get through this one, all right? I, I need a spotter." Five said, now standing in front of his brother who looked at him with a confused expression.

"A spotter?"

"Yeah. In case the paradox psychosis gets too severe. I need you to help me stay on task, all right? So whatever happens, whatever I say, we need to get that briefcase."

"Are you sure that's all you need me to do?" Luther asked as he cocked a brow at him.

"Okay, fine. If I get side-tracked because of (Y/N) as well. Just amke sure we get that briefcase and also, I don;t care what it comes to, don't hurt her."

"Considering the fact that you two are trained assassins, I don't think I'll be able to."

Five shot him a small smile before heading towards the staircase. He was ready, or at least he that's what he told himself as they headed to where his other self would be.

They arrived at the pub and Luther noted how nervous his brother was. His nervousness only heightened when they stepped foot into the pub and his eyes landed on a familiar person with (Y/H/C) hair.

"Okay why don't I go talk to them first, just so that you don't scare them by first seeing you." Luther said and sighed in relief when Five nodded.

He was surprised that he didn't scare off the alternative timeline version of you and Five. In all honesty, had it been him in one of their places then he would've freaked out and possibly think he was going crazy. Maybe being a trained assassin didn't just teach combat skills.

I'd like to introduce the two of you to someone. Just promise me, you won;t freak out." Luther said, watching as the two of you took a bit to agree before motioning for Five, the version he traveled with, to come out from behind the wall.

He thought he'd be able to keep it together but he almost lost it the second your gaze fell onto him. You were older, or at least looked older, but still as beautiful as when he first met you.

"I'm sorry." He said, eyes locked on you before turning around to leave the pub. Luther told the alternative version of you and Five to give him a minute before running out behind his brother who was now crying outside the pub.

"What are you doing? You didn't mention crying being apart of the plan."

"I couldn't save her. I left her there to die and now I have to see her again. She doesn't know what's going to happen to her when and if she goes back to 2019 and it's all my fault."

Before Luther could say anything he was interrupted by a person standing at the door. Someone who had followed them outside and wasn't supposed to hear what Five had just admitted. He felt as if his airway was being crushed, preventing him from being able to respond when you asked him,

"I die in the apocalypse?"

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