𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄, missed you

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A Five Hargreeves x Reader Oneshot

SUMMARY: After her strange disappearance, Five finds Number 8 somewhere he never expected to find her

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SUMMARY: After her strange disappearance, Five finds Number 8 somewhere he never expected to find her

CONTAIN(S): Implication of kidnap, Fem!Reader, poor treatment of reader, takes place during season one (yk that scene where he blows up the Commission) (1,034 words)

He teleported out of the Handler's office, reappearing in front of the door labelled "Authorized Personnel Only" in big red letters, opening the door was  a struggle but Five managed to open it in time before anyone could reach him

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He teleported out of the Handler's office, reappearing in front of the door labelled "Authorized Personnel Only" in big red letters, opening the door was  a struggle but Five managed to open it in time before anyone could reach him. Quickly closing the door and locking it, sliding in a metal rod between the door so it'd be harder for anyone to break in.

Walking around Five felt sick to his stomach, there were countless prisoners here, everyone looked so sick and small. As he made his way towards the last cell, located farthest from the entry Five felt his heart dropping to his stomach. There sprawled on the ground laid his sister, (Y/N), looked to be the same age as she was when he first left and got stuck in the future. Blinking inside he felt truly sickened at the condition you were in, there were bruises and cuts with dried blood around them. Carefully picking you up he almost cried at the lack of response he got from her but blinked them to the room that held all the briefcases.

Quickly grabbing a briefcase and setting the date and time of the day, he ran out throwing a grenade towards the room and praying that the briefcase would work in time. Before the worker could even say anything flames enveloped the room and everyone around it, luckily, the briefcase flashed a blue light and he was back in the academy with you still in his arms.

As blue flickered in the academy living room the other siblings didn't even have time to comprehend anything before their brother appeared out of the flicker landing on the bar island with a familiar face in his arms. Thankfully Luther and Diego were able to catch the two of you before they could hit the ground. "I-is that, (Y/N)?" Klaus asked after Five was placed onto the ground again, a small nod being his only response as fear masked everyone's faces at the sight of your condition.

"Mom!" Five screamed, knowing that Grace would be the safest bet if he wanted you live. He fought back tears as he saw you, barely breathing in Luther's arms as Grace made her way downstairs. Reginald may have said that she was nothing more than a robot, void of emotions, but fear and worry were evidently shown on her face as she saw little Number 8 looking so lifeless.

"Bring her upstairs" She simply said before going upstairs, everyone else nodding as they followed their mother. 


"Maybe you should take him to his room" Five heard Diego say to someone. He was still groggy after falling asleep beside your bed. He had been there holding her hand in hopes that'd she would slap his hand away like she did when they little when he would -constantly- annoy her but she remained unconscious the entire time.

Lifting his head up from the side of the bed he was met with your sleeping figure. "She should wake up soon, luckily no damage to any internal organs were made but she did lose a lot of blood and is quite malnourished," Grace said as she went to push a stray piece of hair off your face and cupping her cheek. The atmosphere in the room was thick with silence and sadness.

"C'mon Five, go to your room and rest, I can look after her," Diego offered as he made his way to Five's seat placing his hands on his shoulders in an attempt of comfort. Looking back at his sister then at Diego he reluctantly stood up and teleported to his room. Behind the closed door did he finally allow the tears the flow freely down his face as he brought his knees up to his chest. After so long of being stuck in the future he never thought you'd go and try to find him. His mind wandered from regret to the recent encounter he had with the Handler just a few hours ago.

"Before you decide to blow up this entire place I think you'd like to know something," The Handler spoke with such calmness even though Five stood a mere few meters away from her with a grenade in his hand. He shifted his weight from leg to leg, curious as to what she could be wanting to tell him.

"Your sister, (Y/N) is it? Smart and curious girl, would've been a shame to lose her with the destruction of the Commission," she said with almost a mocking tone. This got Five to stand a little straighter and question her intentions. Quickly piecing together what she could possibly mean he ran out of the Handler's office dropping the grenade to fall on the ground, flames exploding in the office as Five ran.

It felt like days since he brought you back to the Academy and Grace's care and still, you never woke up. Of course he didn't lose hope, he knew you were stronger and would wake up soon. Soon. He almost broke down thinking about what must have happened to you for you to be in this state.

"Five!" He heard from upstairs scream, pulling him out of his thoughts. Teleporting upstairs he entered the room you had been in ever since he brought you back to the academy. Looking past Grace, Diego, Allison and Klaus he saw you. Practically pushing everyone out of his way he engulfed you in a hug

"I'm sorry I left, if I didn't leave you wouldn't and have been through when you went did I am so sorry," Five cried into your shoulder, still hugging you. You never saw Five cry, no one has. But seeing him cry right now made your heart ache and yourself cry, you hated seeing your siblings cry.

Pulling away after a while he placed a kiss on the top of your head, moving back a little so the rest of your siblings could hug you.

"You're safe now" Five said quietly enough for only you to hear as he pulled you into a another hug. It was nice to be back with your family, even though they drove you insane most of the time, you wouldn't trade them for the world.

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