𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄, 11:46pm

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A Five Hargreeves x Reader Blurb

11:46pmA Five Hargreeves x Reader Blurb

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The living room was dimly lit as you stood in the midst of it, gently swaying to the sound of music playing nearby unaware of the boy standing by the doorframe with a soft smile on his face. It's been a hectic couple of days and awhile since he's seen you look so relaxed.

A part of him blamed himself for it all but even if you didn't get stuck with him in the future, you'd still be escaping the apocalypse with him when he came back. That's hoping he actually managed to come back that is.


He didn't realize he had zoned out.

"You alright there?" There was a hint of teasing in your tone and he never thought he'd miss this side of you.

"Of course, it's just," He paused, not quite sure how to say what he wanted to. "Been awhile since we've able to...."


He nodded and silence followed afterwards. A comfortable silence, but silence nonetheless.

"Join me." You said as you stretched out your hand for him to take, body still swaying side to side along to the music. It was a random record you had picked out from his old stash and if he really allowed himself to, he could feel the memories wash over him all over again at the sound of them.

Not seeing the harm in a simple dance, Five took your hand and allowed you to lead him to the middle of the room before letting the music guide you both. It's been a while since he's been able to let his guard down like this, just completely letting loose as your humming filled his ears while he spun you around, eliciting a giggle from you that made his heart swell.

Oh all the things he'd do to be able to live in this moment forever. To hold you like this, to hear your joy and be the cause of it, he'd go mad doing whatever it took for it to be possible but the apocalypse was only getting closer every moment he wasn't doing something about it—every moment you weren't there helping him end this whole thing. But maybe for one moment, just this one moment, he'd let it creep on closer.

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