𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄, reminders

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A Five Hargreeves x Reader Oneshot

SUMMARY: You and Five don't get into fights, especially with his siblings around, but sometimes your constant reminders push him off the edge

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SUMMARY: You and Five don't get into fights, especially with his siblings around, but sometimes your constant reminders push him off the edge

WARNING(S): Mentions of death/dying, argument/fight, fem!reader (1,008 words)

Trying to gather his siblings in a different timeline was already hard enough but having you remind him about the Commission only seemed to make his life harder

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Trying to gather his siblings in a different timeline was already hard enough but having you remind him about the Commission only seemed to make his life harder. As of now, there were less than 10 days away from doomsday occurring and the Commission were not in his top three worries.

Of course Five knew that you meant well. The two of you were practically on the top of the Commission's kill list and running around in a timeline that was not your own was like a death wish. You were only trying to remind me that he should be more careful and though he was usually calm towards you, with the amount of stress put upon him at the moment, sometimes he just snaps.

"Five the Swedes are still out there." You told him causing him to throw the piece of paper onto the ground. The abrupt action causing his siblings to flinch but you remained unfazed.

"And so what if they are. Last time I checked (Y/N), I was one of the most dangerous assassins they have created. Three amateur triplets aren't going to stop me." Five snapped back

"They may not but that cockiness may be the reason you get killed." You mumbled under your breathe.

"Better my cockiness than my carelessness. Tell me (Y/N), how many times have you almost screwed up a mission due to your carelessness?" Anger had clouded his mind and all he could think about was were the several times your carelessness had almost failed the mission.

The two of you had no longer cared that his siblings were standing awkwardly watching the two of you. Usually, arguments and fights would be reserved for when you were alone to be more 'professional' but it seemed professionalism wasn't a worry at the moment.

"Shouldn't we stop them?" Vanya whispered to Allison and Klaus who's eyes grew wide and quickly shook their heads.

"If there's anything we know, it's to not interfere with them." Allison whisperer back.

"Just make sure it doesn't turn physical." Klaus added on.

The rest of the Hargreeves would just have to watch as their brother fought with his wife. They often forgot that the two of you were 58 years old, only now stuck in your old 13 year old bodies due to a mishap during Five's time-jumps.

"Careless? Are you hearing gyourself properly? You are the careless one out of the two of us and we both know that because unlike you, I don't get caught." Your previously calm composure was now replaced by one of anger and annoyance as you argued with the man in front of you.

"Please give me one example of when I was careless." Five scoffed, stuffing his hands into his pockets as he looked at you.

"Oh I don't know, how about when you added a decimal to that equation which caused us to be back in our 13 year bodies?"

"So maybe I messed up the equation, what did you do? Nothing! I was the one doing all the work while you just sat there. Maybe if you actually did something than your carelessness wouldn't be a problem."

You were taken aback by what he had just said and Five also looked shocked when he realized. He opened his mouth to say something but you cut him off.

"If me trying to make sure you don't get yourself killed is considered doing nothing than I give up. Have fun stopping doomsday without someone watching your back." Was the last thing you said before storming out of the room. The other Hargreeves siblings made way for you to leave, not a single word being said until the door slammed shut behind you.

"Way to go Five." Diego commented causing Allison to elbow him in the ribs. He quickly mumbled a apology before looking down to the ground.

Five buried his face into his hands as he muttered something under his breathe. From what the siblings could hear, they guessed he was calling himself an idiot but didn't have time to ask because he eventually pushed past them and towards the door.

"What do we do now?" Luther asked his remaining siblings who only shrugged.

Five ran down the flight of stairs and out the building. He soon found himself on top of a building in the city, looking at a girl who sat on the edge with her feet dangling off. He quietly made his way towards her.

"How'd you find me?" You asked him, not once turning back to face him.

"We've been married years (Y/N), I know you better than I know myself sometimes." Five replied as he sat down beside you, leaving a small distance between you two.

Silence followed after Five sat down. The sounds of the busy city below you being the only sounds for the next few minutes.

"Look I'm sorry for what I said. I really am. I never meant to blow up on you like that and I know it was wrong." He said sincerely.

You sighed, taking one last look at the moving city below you before finally facing him. "I just don't want to lose you." You said as you cupped his cheek. He smiled and nuzzled into your hand causing you to laugh.

"I know, and I'm sorry for reacting the way that I did."

Again, silence while you gathered your thoughts to figure out what to say and after what felt like hours, you finally did.

"So where do we go?" You asked him, watching as his expression changed to that of confusion.

"But the Swedes will be there."

"And what are the Swedes going to do, kill us?"

A smile formed on Five's lips as he stood up and held an hand out for you to take. "Nothing. They'll do nothing because I have you."

"That you do."

You placed your hand in his and he smiled, pulling you closer to him to place a kiss to your forehead before wrapping his arms around you.

"Ready to stop doomsday?"

"With you? Always."

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