𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄, welcome back

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A Five Hargreeves x Reader

PROMPTS: "Move out of the way before I make you

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PROMPTS: "Move out of the way before I make you."

CONTAIN(S): Enemies to lover I guess? (507 words)

Working as the Commission's trainer for new assassins was all fun and games until you were forced to train people who made you hate your job

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Working as the Commission's trainer for new assassins was all fun and games until you were forced to train people who made you hate your job. You've only had a few in the past but they didn't seem to last long at the Commission so you didn't mind. You hadn't encountered one for a few years until the day Five Hargreeves stepped into the training room alongside the Handler who had recently been demoted and replaced by A.J.

"Agent (Y/L/N), I hope you're doing well." The Handler spoke with a sick smile causing you to cock a brow at her. She was rarely this kind - if you'd even call it that - around others. Even her adoptive daughter, Lila, was never seen to be treated differently than everyone else at the Commission.

"Handler, may I ask what has brought you down here?" You asked with your hands crossed against your chest over your chest.

"Well of course, you see Five here has returned to work for us and considering it's been a few years, or weeks, he may need some refreshing with his skills." She continued, clearly amused by the shocked reactions both you and Five shared.

"Did you forget that I worked here for five years?" Five asked the Handler who had a mischievous look in her eye.

"Who could forget the amount of times you've gotten onto my nerves?" You muttered under your breath.

Though you had intended for him to hear it, you sighed when he stepped towards you.

"And how about the amount of times you've nearly gotten us killed?" He shot back as he stood a little too close to you. He smirked when he sensed your slight discomfort.

"Move out of my way before I make you." You threatened in a low voice.

You wanted nothing more than to pounce on him and attack him. Hopefully to beat some sense into him after all he's done but you had to keep your composure. The closeness between the two just seemed to make it harder.

"I'd like to see you try." He replied with a smirk.

As you opened your mouth to say something the Handler had decided to intervene. She looked at the two of you amusingly, clearly enjoying seeing the two of you fight like cats and dogs whenever possible. You wondered if she purposely chose you to train Five purely for her entertainment.

"Now now, I just need you to go over a few skills he may have gotten rusty with for, let's say, two days than you'll be back to your normal schedules." She said in a sickly sweet tone.

Both you and Five rolled your eyes before unintentionally replying "Fine." at the same time. The Handler's grin, as if possible, grew larger before wishing the two of you a smooth training session before leaving the room.

When the door closed behind her and the two of you were alone, you turned back to face him with a playful smirk. This was going to be fun

"Welcome back Hargreeves."

"Shut up."

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