𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄, in my arms

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A Five Hargreeves x Reader Oneshot

SUMMARY: After weeks of sleepless nights due to work, you and Five finally allow yourselves to rest

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SUMMARY: After weeks of sleepless nights due to work, you and Five finally allow yourselves to rest. Even if it wasn't a choice you both made.

WARNING(S): fluff (1,116)

The Commission had taught you quite a lot of things that you didn't ever expect to become useful until now

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The Commission had taught you quite a lot of things that you didn't ever expect to become useful until now. For one, they trained all agents multiple self defense and fighting techniques that were a mix of modern and older styles combined. Secondly, agents were taught how to survive on minimal sleep, food, and water. At the time you would have complained about having to endure such training but now that you were in 1963 with Five, running away from the Commission, you were never more thankful for it.

The last few days for you and Five were absolutely exhausting. It had been two weeks to be exact for the two of you but it could've been years for his siblings. For some reason, despite travelling at the same time, everyone seemed to arrive at a separate time. Always the same time, at the same spot, on the same date, only years apart. Regardless of that, this didn't mean that you both had it easier. No it was far from that. Your mornings were spent hunting down the remaining Hargreeves siblings and trying to convince them to actually help save the world again. This often failed since they had already created a new life in the timeline thinking that they were the only Hargreeves left.

You and Five both knew that all they needed was a little push for them to agree. Even if it may take multiple tries before they finally agree, you knew they'd come around sooner or later.

After mornings of arguments and failed attempts, you and Five, along with Elliot, would stay up all night researching. The Swedes were on your trails like crazy, the Handler has a new offer and on top of that, her crazy daughter seems to be after one of you.

By the time you were all successful in finally gathering all Hargreeves siblings together, it felt like a weight being lifted off your shoulders. Took them long enough.

"We did it." You said as the Hargreeves started to return back to their new life. You and Five were left with planning what to do, mainly because you both worked for the Commission and probably knew a bit more than they did.

"Well yes and no," Five started. You frowned at his negativity. "We got my siblings to finally get their head out of their asses yes, but the world still ends in four days and I still don't know how to stop it."

From the expression on his face to the way he stood, you knew he was stressed and clearly overwhelmed. Standing up from the chair, you walked over to him and wrapped your arms around him. You felt his body go stiff at your touch but you smiled as he quickly relaxed into your embrace, his arms wrapping your waist as he buried his face in the crook of your neck.

"How about I help you look through those papers you said were important, then we can continue where we left off tomorrow. You've barely been getting any sleep anyways." You suggested as you pulled away. His hands rested on your hips as you brushed a few stray strands away from his face.

"I'd like that." He replied with a small smile.

Walking over towards the couch, you grabbed the pile of documents from the nearby coffee table before sitting down between his legs. One hand was wrapped securely around your waist while the other flipped through the pages.

The two of you stayed like that for a while. Music from the record player Elliot had left on played softly in the background as the sound of pages being flipped filled the room. This had to have been the most peace and quiet he's gotten since you've both arrived in 1963. At times, Five would selfishly wonder whether it was even possible to save them again. Sure he was able to do so the first time but it felt purely out of luck. What if he couldn't save you and family again and he was just wasting possible time to spend with you.

With the debate going on in his head, he didn't notice that you had fallen asleep. The papers you were previously reading rested on your lap as your head rested against his chest. Five almost forgot how much he loved seeing you like this; calm, relaxed and willingly allowing yourself to be vulnerable. Being a trained assassin and all, it was rare for either of you to let your guards down so moments like this truly made his heart melt.

Pressing a kiss to your temple, he made sure to not make so many sudden movements that could wake you while he continued flipping through the documents. If he finished sorting them he could possibly allow himself to rest as well.

An hour later and Five had looked through all the remaining files but only a few were useful. Sighing, he put the papers into their respective piles but froze when you started to stir in your sleep. Despite the very uncomfortable and unnatural position he was currently sitting in, he didn't dare move. Instead, he remained like that until he was certain you were fast asleep again before slowly leaning back against the couch. He forced himself to stay up for a little longer just to make sure you'd be alright.

As he started to drift off sleep, his arms wrapped loosely around your waist as he finally allowed himself to rest. It's been a while since either of you were actually able to sleep and both for separate reasons.

You struggled with nightmares, much like Five. Before you were recruited by the Commission, your parents had passed and left you in your aunt's care. She was kinder before their death but after, she was rarely ever sober and even when she was, it didn't mean that her fiance was. You were still haunted by the look of fear on both your face the night you had accidentally stabbed the knife into her chest. As her body fell to the ground, the Handler stepped out from seemingly nowhere. To this day you still couldn't decide whether accepting her offer was the wise idea or not.

Whenever Five closed his eyes he saw it all over again. His siblings, laying dead beneath the rubble the first time he travelled into the future. He remembers the guilt and pain he felt as he uncovered each of siblings one by one before falling to knees. It haunted him for years and even after he met you at the Commission, the nightmares didn't go away but for the first time tonight, he slept peacefully and so did you.

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