𝐊𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐒, late night confessions

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A Klaus Hargreeves x Reader Blurb

LATE NIGHT CONFESSIONSA Klaus Hargreeves x Reader Blurb

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SUMMARY: Based off the prompts, "I love you." and "Tell me that when you're sober."

WARNING(S): Alcohol mention and swearing (598 words)

It wasn't new to wake up in the middle of the night to a phone call from Klaus

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It wasn't new to wake up in the middle of the night to a phone call from Klaus. You've set his ringtone to be the loudest one just so you could actually hear it and be there for him when he needed it. Usually he'd call when the spirits got too much and he couldn't sleep. Other times would be when he wanted to get waffles from the nearby pub.

You wondered what it would be tonight as you pressed the phone against your ear.

"Hello?" You mumbled, still half asleep. From the other side of the line, you could hear Klaus arguing with someone and the sound of glass clinking together. From what you've known about him, you guessed that he was arguing with Ben again while pouring himself  a drink. 'He's probably drunk again.' You thought to yourself.

"(Y/N), heyyy." He slurred, proving your doubt causing you to chuckle. "Did you know that I love you?"

You rolled your eyes, already used to his loving nature when drunk. It was quite amusing at times. "Tell me that when you're sober." You told him before hanging up the call and closing your eyes.

When you woke up again in the morning your first thought was where that sweet scent was coming from. It took you about five more seconds to realize that you lived alone and hadn't been cooking for the past few days so there was no reason for there to be such a sweet scent.

Jumping out of bed, you grabbed the baseball bat Klaus had gifted to you when you first moved here and quietly headed to the kitchen. The sound of pots and pan hitting each other grew louder and louder until you finally reached the kitchen. Your shoulders dropped and you let out a sigh of relief when you saw it was only Klaus, attempting to make waffles in your kitchen.

"Really Klaus?" You asked as you dropped the baseball bat. That combined with the sound of the ball hitting the ground caused him to jump and almost drop the plate of freshly made waffles.

"Good Morning to you too sunshine." He said as he placed the plate onto your kitchen table. "Now go freshen up before the waffles get cold. I know how you get when your food gets cold."

Knowing that it was no use arguing, you listened and went to the bathroom. In a few minutes, you were out and at the table as Klaus was arguing - with who you assumed was Ben - until he noticed that something was burning.

"Oh fuck!"

You tried to stifle your laughter but failed and eventually caught his attention. He shot you a sheepish smile before throwing the pan into the sink and letting the cold water run over it. He mumbled something about not needing eggs as he grabbed the maple syrup and sat down opposite of you.

He handed you your plate and drizzled a generous amount of maple syrup, just the way you liked it.

"May I ask why the sudden kindness?" You asked with a smile as you accepted the plate.

"Well, last night you told me to tell you when I'm sober. We both, well three of us, know that I'm not the best at verbally confessing when sober. I figured this would work but I don't know. Did it?" He asked, looking up from the table to see you unable to hide the large smile on your face.

"I love you too." Was your reply and all he needed to know that it did in fact work.

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