𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄, leaving

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A Five Hargreeves x Reader Oneshot

LEAVINGA Five Hargreeves x Reader Oneshot

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PROMPTS: "I'm leaving." + "Of course you are, that's all you know how to do."

CONTAIN(S): gender-neutral!reader (760 words)

Five Hargreeves was not by all means, an ordinary child

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Five Hargreeves was not by all means, an ordinary child. He grew up in the Umbrella Academy and him along with his siblings quickly rose to fame as they fought countless missions together. It was still a shock as to how he had been able to befriend you.

Their father was a strict man who always had an eye on them, he had taught them everything they know and how to trick him. After a few trial and error, the siblings had perfected a dummy to place in their bed that would fool their father when they wanted to sneak out. With some makeup and wigs that Grace had lying around, they were able to disguise it to look like whoever wished to explore that night. With the monitor he attached to them while asleep, Ben and Five were able to hack into his system to loop the one from a week before so that he wouldn't notice. This was how Five had met you

He had decided to sneak out and head to the local diner which your great-aunt owned at the time. You were helping her during the late shift when Five had entered. After serving him a donut and coffee - which you found odd considering his age but didn't question - the two of you started talking. From that night on forward, the two of you made an effort to meet whenever possible.

Though this was originally meant for the two of you to just relax and be yourselves, arguments sometimes rose and today just so happened to be that day.

Five stood outside the diner waiting for his usual order; a donut and a large coffee. In his mind he was going over the plan he had come up with regarding time travel. He knew he was capable of doing it but the only thing stopping him was his father.

"Order for Hargreeves," He heard your sweet voice say, breaking him out of his thoughts. You wore your usual smile as you held the bag and cup of coffee out for him which he gladly accepted.

"I'm gonna ask him today." He told you as he took a sip of his coffee.

You cocked a brow at him, not quite understanding what he meant. "Ask him what?"

"About time travel of course. What else."

Five was met with silence as your thoughts seemed to run wild. You remembered him telling you about wanting to learn time travel but always saw it to be dangerous and thought he was only joking. You never expected for him to actually plan on asking his father about it.

"Are you sure it's a good idea?" You asked him.

"Well I'm embracing my power.Adapting as Father would call it." He responded with a small smirk.

"But isn't time travel dangerous? You're still young Five, why don't you wait a little longer?" You tried to reason, hoping he'd take your word for it and wait a few years or so before asking his father.

Unfortunately for you, he did not. "Don't you want me to improve my power?"

"Five that's not what I meant-"

"Well it sure does seem like it. I thought you out of all people would be happy to hear about this but apparently not." He said as he started to walk away.

"And where are you going?" You asked, arms crossed over your chest as you watched him walk away.

"I'm leaving. You clearly don't seem to be happy for me so I'm leaving."

"Of course you are, that's all you know how to do." You muttered causing him to whip his head towards you.

"Oh that's all I do? Alright, I'll leave then." He said and before you could even think of what to say or do, he was gone in a flash of blue light.

You thought he'd come back later tonight. Often your fights would last for the entire day but he'd always be back late at night except tonight was different. Instead of Five walking through the door, it was Ben who looked stressed to see you there alone.

Sliding him a plate with a donut towards him, you asked why he seemed so stressed. It was odd to him like this despite the few times you've met him.

"Five is gone. We don't know where he is." He replied and you quickly regretted almost everything you said today. From everything you said during your fight with Five to asking Ben. You regretted it all and deep inside, felt like it was your fault in some sort of way.

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