𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐆𝐎, 1:07pm

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A Diego Hargreeves x Reader Blurb

1:07pm A Diego Hargreeves x Reader Blurb

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"You'll knick yourself catching it like that."

The sudden voice made you jump, just bareky dodging the knife you were trying to catch before turning around. Behind you, leaning causally against the doorframe, stood Diego Hargreeves in all his leather suit glory. The very suit you had given multiple protests against but failed to successfully convince him.

"You scared me." He had a hand raised, having caught the knife you failed to catch with an amused look on his face as you spoke. "And thank you," You continued, taking the knife from his hand which he simply let you do. "For catching the knife I would've caught had I not been surprised."

He let out a chuckle as he watched you shifted your body into a stance appropriate for knife throwing. It wasn't the best if you were trying to have a clearer aim but it would ensure a nasty wound if it hit someone.

"Here," he said as he stepped forward. Placing one hand on yours that held the knife, he used his other to readjust your stance. "If you don't want to accidentally take an eye out you want to stand like this. Unless that is your goal of course."

You would've laughed at his horrible attempt of a joke but the satisfaction of catching the knife you just threw, with Diego's help, filled you with much more joy and satisfaction than teasing the man in leather.

"I did it!" You beamed as clutched the knife by its handle. Diego couldn't help but smile and let out a laugh as he pulled you into a celebratory hug and pressed a kiss onto your head.

"You did, I'm proud of you."

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