𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄, stay with me?

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A Five Hargreeves x Reader Oneshot

SUMMARY: Five gets a little too drunk and wakes up the reader at two in the morning

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SUMMARY: Five gets a little too drunk and wakes up the reader at two in the morning

CONTAIN(S): Alcohol mention, reader and five are aged up to be adults in this (812 words)

To say you were tired was an understatement, you were exhausted, physically and mentally drained after hours of listening to lectures only to come home and start completing papers and projects

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To say you were tired was an understatement, you were exhausted, physically and mentally drained after hours of listening to lectures only to come home and start completing papers and projects. No matter how tired and drained you felt though, sleep never came easily come to you, especially this particular night, so after what felt likes hours of tossing and turning in your bed you were finally able to fall asleep.

About an hour after you had fallen asleep your ringtone and the sound of your phone vibrating on the nightstand pulled you out of sleep. Opening your eyes to see the clock displaying 2:18 am you groaned and pushed your head farther into your pillow, hoping the ringing would stop. Unfortunately, the ringing continued and before you could even grab your phone loud knocking was heard at your front door. Curious as to who could even be here at this time made you raise a brow as you walked towards the front door of your apartment, opening it slowly to only be greeted with Diego and Luther Hargreeves with Five in his arms.

You moved out of the way, allowing them to enter your place, Diego walked in and plopped himself onto your couch while Luther dropped Five off in your room. Closing the door you made your way towards the couch, taking a seat in front of Diego on a beanbag chair. You had knew the Hargreeves siblings for quite a long time, you first met them at Griddy's when you were all 12, you were helping your aunt who was working late by taking orders while she was in the back grabbing more napkins. The siblings sat themselves at a booth farthest from the front door they entered from, they were laughing and joking around as they waited for a server. Once you had taken all their orders Alison had asked if you would like to sit and eat with them. You gave them a smile and a nod while you went to get their orders. From then on you would always see them at the diner at the same time in the same booth, and every time they came you would join them to eat and talk, eventually becoming close friends with all of them.

"Five got drunk and we found him in the corner at the library." Diego said, snapping you back to reality. Tilting your head to side in confusion, you wondered why they brought him to your place and not the Umbrella Academy. As if reading your mind, Diego stands up to speak, only to be interrupted by Luther. "When we found him he kept on saying your name and kept on insisting on going to your place to talk to you about something" Luther said as he started to walk towards the door.

"He refused to come back to the academy so we hope it's alright with you" Diego said as he started walking towards the door, giving you a small smile as he engulfed you in a hug. "Goodnight (Y/N)" They both said as you closed the door behind them. You walked into your room to see Five curled up on your bed. As toy made your way towards him you noticed how relaxed he looked, you're so use to seeing him with a cocky grin on his face or tensed and serious that it's rare you ever see him looking so relaxed. You and Five had always liked each other, everyone knew of it, even yourselves knew but you guys never had the chance to make it official. He was always training or on some mission Reginald assigned and you were usually studying or working at your part-time job at a local coffee shop. The most you two have ever done was get coffee at least twice a month then go on a walk or get new books at the nearby library.

Movement from your bed beside you brought you back to your senses, looking down to be faced with Five who's eyes were barely open. "Go back to sleep sleepyhead" You said, giving him a soft smile that he returned as you sat onto the bed and pulled your covers up to cover his chest. You got up but a hand grabbed your wrist before you could take a step away from the bed, looking down you saw Five fighting to even stay awake. "Stay with me?" he asked you in a soft voice.

Sighing, you laid down in the bed beside him as he covered you in the blanket. His head rested in the crook of your neck and as his body relaxed with his arms around you.  "I love you (Y/N)" you heard Five mumbled against your neck as a faint blush made it's way to your cheeks and as his grip around your waist loosened sleep finally took over you.

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