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A Five Hargreeves x Reader Oneshot

SUMMARY: Five is trained by the Commission's best assassin, who he eventually falls in-love with

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SUMMARY: Five is trained by the Commission's best assassin, who he eventually falls in-love with. Though after Five left, chaos quickly arises for all

WARNING(S): Mentions of blood, aged up Five and reader to 18 in present time (772 words)

"I know I told you that you'd only be with us for 5 years but that is 5 years of actually working, you will need to spend a year training

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"I know I told you that you'd only be with us for 5 years but that is 5 years of actually working, you will need to spend a year training." The handler told Five as they walked down a long corridor located in the Commission.

"You are aware that I grew up in the Umbrella Academy correct?" Five asked, curious as to why he would need training. The Handler stayed quiet as they finally reached a doorway leading to a large open room with a sign that read 'training room' above it. In the middle of large room filled with all sorts of equipment and weapons.

"Five, meet The Commissions trainer and best agent, (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." The Handler spoke with a smile on her face as she introduced you to Five, giving him a smile as he looked at you, not listening to anything the Handler was saying and instead keeping his gaze transfixed on you.

"So I'll see you here for training tomorrow morning at 7,″ you told Five before he was dragged out of the room by the Handler.


"Couldn't sleep?" you jokingly asked Five after seeing him stand in the training room at 5 in the morning. He looked at you with a sheepish smile, a hand going up to run his fingers through his hair.

"Yeah, not use to it here yet," he told you as you walked towards him.

"Let's start the training shall we?" You asked him with a smile, a smile that made his heart melt.

Five's heart ached at the memory as he sat in the library of the Hargreeves Manor. He felt guilty leaving the Commission unexpectedly and not bringing you along, yet alone tell you. He's carried the guilt with him ever since he had gotten back his siblings even though he was relived to be back with his family.

Getting annoyed at himself, Five teleported himself to Griddy's, a favorite place of his that his siblings enjoyed going to when they were younger. Sitting at an empty booth Five sat so lost in thought that he didn't notice the armed men from the Commission enter the shop. Though he is one of the Commission's best assassins his feelings and thoughts tend to cloud his mind quite frequently. What brought him out of his thoughts were the sounds of the men grunting and crying out in pain. Looking up he saw 5 armed men on the ground with blood surrounded around them with a very familiar figure standing in the middle of them.

"I'd call you an idiot for not remembering what I told you bout the Commission and their tracking abilities but yet again that's how I found you," you said as you held up your arm that was stitched up. Five didn't know whether to get the tracking device out of his arm or hug you but decided on the lather as he engulfed you into a hug.

"I missed you too but take the damn tracker out before they send more," you urged him causing him to let go of his grip on you and look something to take out the tracker. Taking it and dropping it on the ground, Five grabbed your arm and teleported the two of you to his room back home. Seeing as the cut he made to get the tracker out was pretty deep he headed over to hsi closet where he stored his first aid kit then sitting on his bed.

"Here let me help." you offered as you sat down beside him and started stitching up his arm before he could even protest. He hated asking for help and would prefer doing everything himself, but with you he'd never argue or fight back. He would never admit it but the boy had a soft spot for you and would go to the ends of the world for you.

After placing a bandage on the now stitched up wound you stood up and put away the kit to where it belonged and started cleaning up.

"Thank you" Five said before standing up and moving in front of you, a grin growing on his face.

"Seeing as we are now both wanted by the Commission, would you like to help me find out who causes the end of the world and kill them with me?" He asked causing you to let out a laugh as you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. He didn't need a response, he already knows you'd do anything if he asked.

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