𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄, too late

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A (past) Diego Hargreeves x Reader + (present) Five Hargreeves x Reader Oneshot

SUMMARY: After leaving with Five to the future for 17 years, the reader's best-friend, Diego, doesn't know how to react when he sees his best-friend (and crush) come back in her teenage body with an older conscious

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SUMMARY: After leaving with Five to the future for 17 years, the reader's best-friend, Diego, doesn't know how to react when he sees his best-friend (and crush) come back in her teenage body with an older conscious

CONTAIN(S): fem!reader (667

Diego didn't know what to do, so he stood there staring at the gold band on your ring finger as the rest of his siblings watched Five make himself and you a sandwich

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Diego didn't know what to do, so he stood there staring at the gold band on your ring finger as the rest of his siblings watched Five make himself and you a sandwich. While his siblings tried know how the hell you two were back, Diego's mind wandered off to remember the day you left with Five.

"Number 5! Ms (Y/L/N)!" Reginald screamed after you and his son Five, who were running out of the academy doors. Standing up so quickly Diego almost knocked over his chair as he ran out of door following you two.

"(Y/N)!" Diego screamed as he made it past the gate but he was too late, he saw the blue flash envelope the two of you as you guys went to God knows where. Falling to his knees Diego cried at the thought of possibly losing his best friend and the only girl he loved.

"17 years gave enough time for Five to propose huh?" Allison said with a small laugh after seeing the matching gold bands on both of your ring fingers causing the rest of the siblings who didn't see it to finally notice.

"I'm going to find some clothing that'll actually fit us," Five told you, placing a kiss on your cheek before leaving in an instant. The rest of the siblings slowly started to leave as you continued to eat your sandwich, all but Diego.

"Glad to have you back," Diego said with a smile, it was partly forced mainly because of the fact that the girl he had loved for so long was married to his brother. He was glad to have you both back but he wished to have grown up with you instead though you and Five came back as how you both looked when you first left, in clothing that were way too big for the both of you. Feeling his heart ache every second he was standing there he slowly started to walk away, bumping into Five in the process, too caught up in his thoughts to look around him.

"Hey Diego!" You greeted cheerfully as you sat down beside him on the couch, a smile on your face that made his heart melt. He spent a short moment starting at you.

"Hey," Diego said shyly, mentally cursing himself for getting so shy and nervous whenever you were around in fear that he'd say or do something that'd scare you away.

"I wanna go to the park later," You told him as you looked outside the window where the sun was shining brightly.

"We can go after lunch if you'd like?" He said.

Instead of answering you just looked back at him with a smile as you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug. Diego was thankful his siblings weren't there or else they'd annoy the hell out of him. He hugged you back as he tried but failed to hide the smile and blush of pink creeping on his face.

"Here, I raided Allison's closet and I got you her old uniform," Five said as he handed you the uniform. 'I'll take you upstairs so you can change,"

Putting on the old uniform you felt nostalgic, memories of playing dress-up with Allison and Klaus flooded your mind as a smile came to your face but only to be interrupted by a knocking on the door.

Opening the door you were greeted by Five who stood in his uniform with a smile on his face.

"Ready to stop the apocalypse?" He asked even though he already knew your answer as he extended his hand for you to take. Putting his hand in yours you were both immediately wrapped in the blue light of his abilities as you two ended up in one of the cars Reginald owned. Leaving Diego to sit in the living room of the Academy thinking why he didn't confess to you sooner, before you had left. But it's too late for that now. The girl he would've died for is no longer his.

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