Catch my eye

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Hi, my name is Josie oliva Saltzman the daughter of caroline Forbes and a hunter named Alaric Saltzman. I'm 17 years old. I have a twin named Lizzie(bipolar/funny bitch) We are siphoning witches from the Gemini coven. Impart of a group called super squad that protects the whole school from the monster that comes for Hope Mikaelson clueless boyfriend Landon Kirby. I'm one of the strongest witches in the school alongside Hope. Forgot to say we go to Salvatore school for witches, vampires, and wolves also tribrid which one

Today is the first day of class since Landon went missing during a fight we had with a mummy two weeks ago. I really dont care about what happens to Landon at all because at the end of the day he will always come back within 72hours talking about sum bull say, Hope. Hope had a mental breakdown when she heard he was missing but after a couple of hours, she didnt care.

I remember 7 years ago when I was kidnapped by Vampire that wanted revenge for what Hope's dad did to his family Hope rescued me before he tortured me more. When I was chained up looking at Hope fight I realized deep down I love her but, I couldn't say it. When she let me down from the chains she kissed me on the forehead then carries me to the school to my room. For 2 whole weeks, nobody was allowed to go near me, not even my parents it was nice.

Since that day I and Hope's situation has been strange. it's kinda weird she avoids me all the time for no reason it's annoying. If Landon was here she is all social for him and all over the school talking to people with a fake smile on her face. Now things changed and it seems back to being not friends 

Overall my life is doing great without the presence of the annoying phoenix always showing up.  Now the only thing I need to do is tell hope that I'm in love with her and want her to forget about Landon so we can be happy. The only reason she is really with him is that he can't die and he won't leave her because she protects him all the time. fucking hate them as a couple so bad. 


The morning I woke up and felt that it would be a great day. I sit up and look at my side to see Lizzie still sleep on her bed and school starts within 30 min. I quickly got up and went to the bathroom, I looked in the mirror and I was looking a little drained so I decided to put on some makeup with a delicate outline that made brown eyes stand out.

When I got out of the bathroom I saw Lizzie in her uniform going out the door so I hurried up. I changed and put on a plaid skirt that was above my knees let my shave legs show, then I put on a dark red top.

 "What took you so long? you know I can't walk out of the room in the morning without you," Lizzie said now starting to walk downstairs to-go breakfast. When we entered we saw Mg, Kaleb, and Jed sitting at the table with their breakfast. We sat down and started talking for a while, Mg tried impressing Lizzie by talking about comics and how he saved my life when the last monster came. To my opinion, I think Mg is a good person inside and out but, he needs to stop trying to impress her all the time it gets annoying. On the other hand, Jed was talking to Kaleb about how Rafael supposes to come back to the school tmr challenge him for the alpha position. 

Throughout breakfast, I looked for Hope but couldn't find her. Although we not talking right now, she was a very lonely, rude sometimes,  and mysterious girl, she spent most of her time with my father training or in the room doing the same thing or painting, My sister dont like her since she believed Hope started rumors about her, However I did like her even though I dont really know nothing about her, there was something about her that always liked. Maybe it's the way she tries so hard to be the hero all the time or protect me and Lizzie even we were awful others. 


Hope pov-

Hi, my name is Hope Andrea Mikaelson the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall. I am attending the Salvatore school for young and gifted young supernaturals whose parents send them to. Impart of a group named super squad we stop Malivore monsters from getting artifacts and just fight any threat basically. After years of being isolated from people I got a nice boyfriend named Landon who is a phoenix but, that dont really matter he is kinda useless when comes to fighting or anything else.

When I was 14 I had a crush on the headmaster's daughter Josie but I never told her because i was afraid of rejection. I still love Josie with all my heart but i dont think she wants to be with a lonely tribrid that messes everything she touches. All around the school Josie is known as the nicest person you can be friends with which is true but, when I look at her I see all the pain she hides behind her eyes it's kinda breathtaking.

I want know more about Her


After training, I was very sweaty so I returned to my room and took a very long shower. When I finished changing I looked at my clock realized I'm late for class so I quickly took my books and raced to the room.

Entering everybody turned to look at me Including the teacher but I didnt really notice because I was staring at Josie. "Your late again Hope" Emma said, I walked to the back of the room where I sit with Josie trying to pay attention. 

"What took you so long to get class Hope?" Josie asked still paying attention to the teacher.

"I took a long shower so I wouldn't smell," I said writing down notes. This class was boring since I knew this topic from Aunt Freya and Davina always showing me spells and how to do them." Oh cool" Josie said as the bell rang indicating we can go, she got out of her chair fast speed walking out of the classroom. I wonder what got her in a hurry. 

2 hours later-

  Josie pov

I walked to the deck where Hope and my dad train every day, so I sit down and put on my headphones turning on soothing music while I ate an orange and enjoyed the peace and quiet. I fell asleep, I dont know how long I was passed out but a noise awakened me. I heard a branch broke, I quickly turned around and saw a beautiful white wolf with bright golden eyes. 

The wolf was about to run away when the wolf begins to transform back into a human. From one moment to another a naked hope was standing in front of me, My eyes delineating part of her body was simply perfect head to toe. I stopped looking and decided to speak.

"Your crazy you almost scared the life out of me," I said a little angry but still scanning her body.

"I'm sorry, I didnt mean to scare you, it's that your father and Lizzie couldn't find you at school and they sent me to look for you in the forest," she said shyly, she reached for my jacket to cover herself. We went back to the school in silence, However, it was not uncomfortable. When we got to my father's office he was sitting opposite Lizzie.

'Hope what are you doing naked?" Dad asked/

"You told me to find Josie so I transformed into my wolf to find her faster" Hope said.

"Josie, where were you for the past 5 hours? we had to send the mutt to look for you" Lizzie said. Hope growl at Lizzie the looks at me and stops. 

"Lizzie be nice to Hope, and You Hope take Josie to her room," Dad said. Hope picked me up bridal style walking out the room not caring how my sister was looking at her 

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