mornings is fun

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I should posted this chapter yesterday but you know family issues have come first plus i been busy writing drafts for my new story. Enjoy this special chapter of Forever. One more thing this was rushed so sorry if its awful.
Hope pov-

The sun was shinning though the curtains hitting my face making me wake up, the wonderful aroma of my girlfriend around the whole room even me i smell good as fuck.

Suddenly she start moves her leg up revealing a wet spot in her underwear. Few mins later of me still trying wake up she starts whispering my name and cussing little bit under her breath but she still sleep...yeah she having sex dream.

I slowly go under the covers to her legs sliding her underwear off slowly so she wont wake up then i heard this. "Being sneaky early in the morning huh" Josie said waking up.

"Oh good morning baby i was just...taking off your underwear because the wet spot" i said nervously.

"Baby don't lie to me early in the morning or i wont help you" she said f
Turning around look at me pointing at my bulge.

"I got little hard hearing you in your sleep was you having sex dream about me" i said

"Umm...yeah ok enough talking of you right now" she said sitting up roughly grabbing my shorts down revealing my dick. She spits on it gliding down my shaft, takes off her shirt straddling me.

"What you want" she ask pressing her ass on my hard-on. I didn't respond but position at her entrance

Right now though, I wanted her one place. On my cock. I grabbed her hips, lifting her and then allowed her to sink slowly down my length. I was pleased by her gasping, those hypnotizing dark brown eyes wide with pleasure and the feel of her warm, tight cunt around me.

"Fuck baby," she breathed dreamily, her head falling to my chest. I could hear her heart racing, blood rushing through her veins. Her lips kissed along my collarbone as her hips began rolling in a smooth motion.

My fingers danced along her spine as I growled his pleasure. I lifted her head, her lips seeking his. I was more than happy to oblige her.

I felt my control slipping from the drugging kisses and languid pace. I lifted her off of me entirely and flipped her over.

I took a moment to appreciate the delicate curve of Josie's spine and her plump ass. And then I powered back into her with a thrust.

"Babyy" Josie moaned.

My hips slammed into her at a fast pace going deeper inside her. I leaned over her to suck and kiss her shoulders and back.

"Mine." I chanted low, my eyes changing into deep red color, fangs extending. I pulled her up brushed them along her nape before sinking them into the most sensitive spot on her neck drinking slowly then pushing her back on the bed.

"Yes Hoooope! Fuck daddy!" Josie cried out as her orgasm hit her full force. "Im yours baby" she screamed. She fell weakly crashing on bed, her body shaking and pussy pulsating.

I stiffened for just a moment and then his hips bucked uncontrollably as I erupted inside of her. Making sure fill her up to the brim.

Finally, I reached down pulling her up to me licked the wound on her neck until it was cleaned , pull away from her making her drop back on the bed. I drop on the bed cuddling her .

"You know we have tell your family you bite me?" She said making me smile at my action. I was so in the moment i bite her on accident marking her as mine but i don't regret it

"Yeah i know, but lets just worry about that when we both get up" I kiss her on forehead tenderly before closing eyes again falling into a deep sleep.

2 hours later Josie pov-

I open my eyes to see Hope still sleep, i get up from the bed see its only 1pm in the afternoon. I go bathroom to hop in the shower for 30 minutes then coming back out do my makeup. While doing my makeup for some reason my eyes change to a dark purple color.

"Baby! Wake up for a minute" i yelled calmly at Hope, he got up from the bed walking behind me.

"Are you okay?" Hope asked

"Look" i said large fangs extended from my mouth and my whole body start to glow.

"Seems like you actually now have my powers now. Are you okay with that" hope said.

"Of course i am i feel more powerful than i was like i can beat the fuck out of a bitch really bad" i said making Hope laugh.

"Yeah you can now but one more power of mine you might inherited also. I never told nobody this just my family but im succubus a special kind tho" Hope said.

"What does that mean"

"Well as succubus we gain power from having sex a lot i don't really need to do that since im already tribrid" Hope said

"So i now im a succubus with with high sex that's something" I said going back doing my make up.

"Yeah i know but pills you can take so you wont have jump my bones everyday" Hope said walking to the bathroom. Yeah she should told me this a while ago when we were discussing the soulmate bond.

Here's to forever with Hope Mikaelson by my side at all times

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