chapter 9

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Hope pov-

We went back to the salvatore school in the rolls royce and went up to my room to finish rest of our night, she loved the date so much especially when we ordered food....she loves food more than me. When we got to my room she sat on my bed taking off her shoes.

"Babe can i stay here tonight? Lizzie might want some privacy with mg"josie said.

"Wait mg and lizzie? That dude finally got the balls to ask her out thats hard to believe" i said amazed it took him so many years to ask out spoiled brat.

"I know i didn't believe it either, but i guess he did" she said as she approached me from behind kissing on my neck." But look at the positive we are finally alone without distractions" moving her hand to my boxers.

"Don't start Josette" i said panting. Josie stopped what she was doing and looked at me "im sorry we don't have do this if you don't want to" she said.

"What? No no...its just i wanted our first time having sex special"

"Hope, i don't need a luxury suite and many flowers and bull to make this moment special, it will be special because i will do it with you and that's more than enough for me" she said and kissed me again

"Please if you continue i wont be able control myself baby" i panted

"I want you lose all control tonight" she said whispering in my ear.

She began leaving kisses all around neck and chest a lil, i could feel the temperature of the room rise and it making me sweat a little. My wolf could not control himself anymore and i quickly took josie by the waist slammed her on the wall and began kiss her.

Her lips were so soft and plump, i could feel her tongue asking for permission to enter my mouth and i let her, we both started a war see who was in control...which i won quickly.

I took her her by the waist lifting her up moving to the bed and lay her down. We continued to base ourselves until i decided to go down to her neck, leaving little bites and hickeys along it, which made her moan loudly looking at me. What aroused me more is the thought of her walking around school with my hickeys all over her neck and my scent let everybody know she belonged to me.

With my hand i caress her thighs rasing her dress little by little, when i took her dress finally, she was wearing a black bra with matching black lace panties, through her bra o could see her harden nipples begging to be sucked on. I began kissing her navel and little by little i went to her breast, took off her bra sending it other side of the room and began suck on her hard dark nipples while playing with the other.

After i had enough fun with her breast, i went down to her panties taking the off, i could smell her wetness from her panties and visually from her dripping pussy, but i wanted her beg me first. I went back to her mouth while my hand rubs her center slowly.

"Ho..hope please" she stuttering

"Please what? Tell me what you want love" i whispered so close to her that she could feel my breath on her skin

"Daddy please fuck me...i can't take it anymore" she begged

I immediately did what she asked and took off my clothes along with my boxers, i looked back to her pussy see that i didn't notice she recently waxed for me. I began to lick her clit over and over and with my hand i inserted two fingers, i tried various movements and speeds but one of them made her moans louder and i know i reached her spot inside her, so kept on like this until she reached her climax.

(Im lazy asf right now to finish the react so they fucked josie cummed t times that all)

(The next day)

I had the best night of my life, although neither of us were virgins that's was the best sex i ever had. Josie was just so amazing and beautiful.

I felt something move above me so i opened my eyes and i saw her, she was curled up on me while wrinkling her nose at the reflection of the sun.

"Good morning beautiful" i said giving her a kiss

"Good morning babe" she said yawning

"Last night was amazing" i said

"For me to baby" she said then it was ding from my phone. I picked up my phone see message from my uncle elijah saying

ELIJAH- We all be mystic falls around 3pm we hope see your new girlfriend upon our arrival.

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