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Enjoy this 5 chapters edited version of forever or you can say just writing the whole story all over. I'm lokey thinking of deleting 2 stories to just publish some more stuff. More chapters will come out tmr i think

 Josie pov- 

When the night came I was in my room getting ready for bed, I got out of the shower and put lotion on then combing my hair until I can put my hand through it. I look over to see Lizzie walking into the room flopping on the bed.

"Will you tell dad what you saw in the forest?" I said little nervous.

"No.." she said sitting up.

"Thank you and I'm sorry I yelled at you it's just that..." I stopped because I was trying to think what else to say.

"I said no right now doesn't mean I won't," she said 

"Please Liz, it's complicated

"Then explain it to me" 

"We are not girlfriends or anything, it was just a moment that got interrupted," i said.

"do you want it to have only been a silly moment? or do you want something else?" she asked 

"Of course I want something else she is...perfect," I said. I got up from my chair going to another bed.

"Josie, I dont know what you see, but she a Mikaelson. Didnt you know that you dont have to deal with the enemy?" Lizzie said getting irritated.

"You know very well that she is not the enemy besides that I love her, when i am around her she makes me happy. So could you put your selfishness aside and try to get along with her? for me.. or you cant do that?" I said calmly not trying to get mad right now.


"i know you want the best for me but she does to and I dont need your protection," I said 

"I only do it because I like to see you happy but you get to shed a tear because of her and I dont care that she's a super tri-hybrid, I WILL KILL HER," Lizzie said. We talked about the situation with Hope for a while, and we fell asleep. I was glad she supported me after everything that went down with Satan, but I was still afraid to hope would not want the same thing.

Hope pov- 

That afternoon when leaving the lake the twins went to the room leaving me with Mg in the dining room. I hope Lizzie dont brainwash or convince Josie to not be with me because that would suck after the kiss.

"Are you going tell me or are we just going pretend as nothing happened?" Mg said.

"Tell what? there is nothing to tell" I said trying to convince him but it didnt work.

"Well what I saw you and Josie doing there's a lot to tell," Mg said

"Fine I explain it to you but if you tell someone I will stake you, and Alaric will kill me" i said fearing he will use his crossbow to torture me for kissing Josie.

"I won't tell...are you dating Josie?" he asked

"No, I thin...I mean it was just a Lil makeout, I really like her but.." 

"But what?"Mg said, 

"I'm afraid, the last time I tried a relationship, many injured people. Besides the fact that I am a tri-hybrid, I have many enemies who want to kill me in order to gain power, and that's is not to mention the rest of the enemies my famliy has won in the last 1000 years. I would put her in constant danger and if something happened to her because of me, I would never forgive myself and lose my humanity in the process" I finished saying, he approached me giving me a tight hug. We aren't very close like i am to the twins but the nicest person I know that's a boy and the hug made me feel better. 

"Hope.. I understand you are worried...but enemies will always exist we make them every day. We are supernatural beings, our life is in constant danger. You have allow yourself to love and allow yourself to be happy for once. Josie is one of the most powerful witches I know she wouldn't be worried about enemies she will make being with you" he said walking away. I went to my room changing to nothing but my boxers, Tomorrow would be a long day, I have to talk to Josie.

Josie pov- 

After finishing my classes, I looked for hope but I couldn't find her in her room so I decided to go back to the forest. I walked to the old mill and chill there for a while. After a few minutes I heard wood creak, I turned around and saw hope in her wold form. This time I was not scared, on contrary, i loved seeing her in wolf form she was very beautiful and taller. 

I walked over to her and stood in front of her putting my hand on her white fur and whispered "You are a beautiful wolf" Hope then began to transform back into human form, watching her transform I could see her rock hard abs, toned arms, bulky legs, and long...what a minute. She grabbed an old blanket covering her waist but not her chest.

"I was looking for you," I said.

"I'm sorry sometimes when I'm nervous about a situation I go for a run," she said avoiding eye contact.

"Are you nervous, why?" I asked confused.

"about us' she said looking at me with puppy eyes.

"what about us?" we are silent for a few seconds then I have the courage to speak again.

"Hope we just kiss and you dont owe me an explanation, but I really want to and would like to give us a try," I said hoping she won't deny me.

 "Josie...I...dont know she said that and i felt like my heart was about to break into pieces inside of me- I'm a Mikaelson, i have many enemies. And of course, I love you too, these few weeks have been but I dont want you to get hurt because of me" she finished saying.

"I dont care about nun of that Just give me a chance...give us a chance to be happy together," I said getting closer to her and placing a soft and tender kiss on her lips." If you want we go slow but at least try, Yes?". Hope didnt say anything, she just nodded and kissed me again, but this time with more intensity, with more desire. I forced her to move away a bit a said.

"We will go slow, remember no pussy for you," I said making her laugh." Hope Andrea Mikaelson will you do me the honor of going on a date with me?". 

"Of course I agree to go on a date with you Josette Oliva Saltman" Hope said kissing my cheek.

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