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watching legacies season 4 s far is just stressful you never know what is going to happen but hosie better happen. I hope you enjoy this chapter of forever
5 hours hope looks message again
Hope pov-

After i read my uncle message i panicked, although i love the idea of seeing my family again, i knew that my uncle wont want see me, but he also wanted meet Josie. I quickly saw the time 1:30, we had fallen asleep and surely they were already here, quickly put on jeans and a shirt.

"Baby we have a problem, my family is coming visit us" i said throwing her some my clothes put on

" is that a good thing? Dont you miss your family?" She said getting up from the bed

"Of course i miss them but my uncles and aunts want to meet you"  i said


"Im sorry, its that in a family video call i mentioned our date to my aunt Rebekah and as they started ask, i had tell them the truth that we are dating. Yesterday my they all said they would come but i didn't believe it until now" i said

"You can take your clothes back i just put on skirt and blouse i left in your draw if i ever burn down my room with lizzie in it" she said

"Im sorry if don't want meet them"

"It doesn't bother me me meet the mikaelson's babe, im just very nervous, it your family and i want them to like me"

"I assure you they love you, just be yourself the cute stubborn girl i love with mix of darkness in her" i said

While i was still doing my normal morning routine even tho its afternoon, josie went to bathe. I had the urge to go join her in the shower but my uncles might come break my door soon so no.

I decided change into a red button- down shirt and black jeans something simple, i heard a knock on the door, i open it see Dr. Saltzman and lizzie

"Hope why are you late? You didn't come to train with me today and yesterday i didn't hear from you all day, neither Josie" he said furious

"I know Dr. Saltzman i promise i can explain everything to you after......" At that moment josie comes out the bathroom naked but with red robe covering what was necessary despite being short

"Baby i used all your body wash" she said without realizing that someone is here

"Seems like hope was to busy fucking my sister" lizzie said. Alaric was looking at josie then back to me for couple seconds

"Josie what are you doing in hope's room?" he asked

"Mmm hi dad....hope offered me sleep her with her since lizzie wanted room to herself and mg"

"Josie! Dad don't need know that" lizzie screamed

"What he going find out anyways that his little girls not so innocent after all" josie said getting up from the bed changing into some clothes

"All of you just meet me in the office in 10 minutes" he said getting out the room in a hurry.

We both came out the room after 10 minutes and went down stairs to Alaric office. When we arrived we opened the door see my family standing and alaric and lizzie behind the desk

Immediately Nik got out keelin arms and ran towards me, i crouched down to his height give him a big hug.

"I missed you so much" he said with huge smile. He pulled away from the hug and directly looked at josie.

"Who is her hope?" He asked

"This is my girlfriend nik" i said. Josie crouched down to greet him politely making nik giggle at me.

"She beautiful" he said going back to keelin

Everyone in the room was quite looking at josie then nik to me. It was when i decided go up to my family greet them.

"Hey uncle elijah i missed you so much"

"I missed you too niece" he said hugging me back

"What about the rest of us dont you think say hello to your favorite uncle" he said pointing at me.

"Oh hello aunts and my crazy uncle its nice see you again" i said giving them a hug

"Dont take this wrong way but why did all of you come again"

"To see your cute new girlfriend and may i say she is drop dead gorgeous" aunt bex said bumping my shoulder. I could hear how fast josie heartbeat was increasing , so i went by her and intertwine our hands leading her to my family

"Family this is my girlfriend josie"

"Hi its nice to meet you" she said confident

"My niece do have wonderful taste in women but horrible taste in men since last one" kol said before receiving slap on the arm by davina." What have you meet the guy she dated before he was awful.

"Thank you" josie said

"Now lets all go mystic grill to have family lunch and catch up" freya said already heading to door not waiting for anybody to reject.

I said goodbye to lizzie and alaric and gave josie a long kiss then my two uncles and adopted brother interrupted

" Excuse me Josie, we will would like to have invite you lunch with us so we can all get know the women who stole my niece heart" i blushed what he said until alaric spoke

"NO WAY IN HELL" Alaric yelled

"Excuse me" josie said


marcel, elijah, and kol started growl at them, so my eyes changed to gold and i gave them a look to let it go whichade them shut up. Josie took my hand and gave me a slight smile, that when my eyes turn back. Everyone watched what josie was doing shocked.

"Lizzie and dad i know you want to protect me but i can take care of myself i been doing it for years now so i dont care what yoh say i will go out with whoever i want" she said looking at them then her eyes with black for second. "I gladly accept you invitation Elijah" she said walking out the office

"I like her" marcel said and all mikaelson's agreed with him.

"Hope, why her eyes turn black" freya asked.

"Oh its nothing just her other half" i said confusing them. I walked out office get josie so we all can go.

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