second date time

776 29 9

I'm guessing you all are enjoying the new version of forever.

Hope pov-

I woke up and remebered nothing from, I knew I was in my room since I saw large painting of josie. I looked to the side and there was josie lying on the floor with lot blankets and a pillow.

I sit up from the bed uncovering myself even though im naked but she wont mind I think.

"Love time wake up" I said giving her kiss on the cheek. Josie started to move and as soon she realized I was there she pounced on me.

"Baby! Are you okay? Does something hurt?" She said worried

"Calm love, I'm fine now, but what happened?" I asked

"You dont remember anything?" She asked and I shook my head." You waa distracted and moster stuck one of his horns in you while you was still wolf form"

"And you stayed here all night until I woke up?" I asked now covering myself.

"Of course, I wanted to make sure you were okay. Also not going let anyone see my girl naked" she said in mocking tone. I blushed relizing she saw me naked.

"Come here beautiful" I said placing her lay next to me. " I still owe you a date, remember?" I finally said.

" You just got hurt yesterday babe you need rest" she said.

" im fine now love, look, I'm not hurting no more and I know your father wont want me attend classes so I'll prepare something for us" I said.

"Fine...i tell my dad in sick today, but I dont want you to try too hard you might sprain something" josie said pointing at me.

" okay, now you have to prepare. I'll see you for lunch at the school entrance" I aid giving her a kiss on. Josie nodded and went to her room to shower.

I quickly got up and took a long shower make sure I get all dirt off me, I got out shower applying lotion on me, spraying clone on me, while I was ironing my shirts I decided call my famliy.

(Video call)

"Hello famliy" I said

"Hello, my favorite neice how was your date?" Aunt rebekah asked. They all stared at me, apperently hadnt relized what she said until my uncle spoke.

"WHO YOU HAVE DATE WITH WHOM?" uncle Elijah asked.

"I TOLD YOU THAT THIS DAY WILL BE COMINE BROTHER" uncle kol said laughing out loud.


"I'm sorry hope, I forgot not to say nothing" she sadly said

"TELL US WHO IT IS" Marcel and elijah said.

"So I can kill him for thinking about dating my lil sis" Marcel said



" okay fine yes I'm dating and I'm very happy dont screw it up" I said. Everyone saw how pale Elijah and Marcel went, they was litterally speechless and was immobile. So I decided keep talking

" her name is Josie, she one of Alaric's daughters" I said.


" yes, why?"

" the power a forbes womam have on this famliy is something else" lol said.

" yeah whatever bye famliy I have date to plan" i said hanging up on all of them. Bet they all going come mysic falls trying interrogate her.

Josie pov-

When I got inside my room I see lizzie finishing dressing to go class.

"Good morning rainbow" lizzie said.

"Good morning control freak" I said smilling

" youre happy, it must be because your strawberry shortcake girlfriend woke up?"

"Yes, and dont call her short your literally just 1 inch taller than her giant but dhe feels better if you are wondering"

" not intrested at all" lizzie said

"Deep down you love her yesterday you was one screaming louder than me for help"

"That's a lie but whatever you say"
She said. I talked to lizzie for a while about random subjects then went my dad's office.

"Good morning Josie, how is hope" he asked sitting his papers on the desk.

"Hi dad, she is better but today she will not attend classes"

"Of course not, she went through a lot yesterday and need to rest" he said.

"I'm not going my classes today either have catch up on a lot of stuff" I said walking out the door before he can say a word.

I left the office and so far everything was going well, I just had to choose my clothes. Since lunch was still a couple hours away, I decided practice some spells.

1 hors before 11pm i got out of bed and put on my black dress with black converse sneakers to match and I put on a simple makeup since it was night.

At the time that we had agreed, i went down the stairs until I reached the enterence of the school, I waited a few minutes until a black rolls royce parked in front of me. From her under Hope and approched me

She was wearing all black like I am with some jordans on.

" You look amazingly sexy"I said stuttering

"Thank you love the car?"

"Yes, but Where you get rolls royce from?"

"You forget that my famliy is very wealthy and can afford anything we desire"  he said interlocking our hands walking to the rolls Royce

(Skiping all the romance shit its too much type see y'all in other chapter)

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