The date

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Hope pov-

Sunbeams streamed through my window as my alarm went off, I reached out and turned it off. When I opened my eyes I realized that it was a letter beside the desk, so I took it and even while asleep I read it.

break up with Landon and I'll see you at 8 pm in our secret place ...I love you, Js

Immediately frowned when she mentioned Landon in the note I totally forgot about it still dating him but, seems like things were already over when I saw him talking about a girl weeks ago. I got out of bed and changed to train with Alaric. When I got to the docks, Alaric was training with Lizzie.

"Good morning, I thought we had training today Dr. Saltzman,"I said confused why Lizzie is here. they both stopped and looked at each other than me.

"Good morning Hope, if we do, only this time I thought it would be a good idea to invite the twins too. Are you okay with that?" he asked, I nodded my head because I see Josie in the distance walking somewhere.

"Calm down your wolfish cravings Josie planning something," Lizzie said laughing at me.I was sad that I won't see Josie, but when Lizzie said she planning something I thought about a date and was in a good mood but have to talk to Landon.

* a Few hours later*

All classes are over now finally, I walk to Landon dorm to break up with him before I go meet Josie at our secret place. For hours I haven't seen her in the classes we shared. I walk into Landon see him getting off the phone.

"Hey, I think we need to break up," I said getting to the point so I can go and not have a full-on conversation.

"Yeah, same I'm kinda talking to another girl bye Hope," He said and simply I walked out the happy he wasn't mad at all about this. Time to meet the girl I truly love the most.

Josie pov

Earlier during the day before started planning my date with Hope I remembered her birthday is in a couple of months. A while ago my aunt Bonnie taught me a spell on how to bring back people from the other side or you can call it the supernatural afterlife, I've been saving my energy for a long time for this moment and I have names. The list contains Klaus, Hayley, Elijah, Stefan, Enzo, and Josette that's all the people I can bring back right now for a while until my energy builds up again.

Back I planned the date, I asked Mg to help me choose and buy everything I needed, we got balloons, flowers, chocolates, roses, and other things. I had been avoiding Hope all day, I did not want to see her until our date so at lunch I ate in my room while I talk Bonnie.

When 7:30 came I took a long shower, shaved my legs and other things, put on a coral-colored skirt and a light blue short shirt. After I was done doing that I put on little makeup then headed to the forest to wait on Hope.

Hope pov

It's 7:45 and I still dont know what outfit to wear since I never went on a date and I dont go to parties either. I did nervously and in a moment of panic, the only thing I could do was throw a lot of clothes around until I find something cool. I grabbed some Versace boxers, a black button-up shirt, black pants to match, and put on some casual shoes, and hurried out to the forest.

When I arrived I could see a trail of lights that hung from the trees, it was very beautiful. I followed the path to our secret place, to one side was Josie smiling with her wavy and loose hair. Next to her, it was a small table full of sushi, wine, and strawberry dipped in chocolate. Also in front water was a blanket with cushions. All around the place it was lit up and filled with heart-shaped balloons and candy.

Josie pov

I was standing enjoying the beautiful view of the waterfall thinking when i feel someone coming. I turn and see Hope observing everything with illuminated and glassy eyes so I decided to speak.

"Hi Hope,"i said nervously but walking closer to her. "Do you like it? I spent all day planning it" is said.

"Josie you look beautiful right now and yes I love it," Hope said giving me a smile. I approach and give her a small kiss on the lips,I could see how I blush because I began to feel warm.

"Come let's eat," I said grabbing her hand.

We were at the table eating and talking for a while, getting to know each other better. then we went to the blanket and laid down looking at the stars.

"How do you do this?" Hope asked. I turned to her confused about what she was talking about.

"Do what?"

"This...prepare this beautiful date and get involved with me knowing you can get hurt," Hope said. I took her chin and forced her to look me in the eye.

"Hope you are the most wonderful person I have ever met I'm not interested in your enemies or those of your famliy, I love you and I will not let anything come between us. I am one the strongest witches Hope I dont care about the danger...Danger just makes our relationship more interesting" I said, she grabbed my face kissing me for a few minutes, and pulls away.

"I want you to have this," She said pulling out a silver necklace with a shield and an "M" in it.

"Hope...this is beautiful.... thank you very much," I said smiling.

"The necklace has my famliy crest, only the Mikaelsons use these necklaces," she said pointing to the one she wears.

"I dont know if I should......"

"Stop,I want you to have it. You're part of my famliy now, I know we haven't made it official yet so- she said starting to get nervous- Josie will you be my girlfriend?" she finished saying.

"Of course I do, I love you, baby," I said pecking her lips.

"I love you too future Mikaelson" Hope said smirking at me making me blush really hard.

"I think it's too early to think about that but I dont mind," I said and hope started laughing at me.

"Josie, when you said yes to dating me only means we are going to be forever,Love," she said. We kissed each other long and she leaned me into her arms, we stayed like this all night until we fell asleep.

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