back to life(part 1)

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I will continue to write hosie stories until I can't anymore. The only sad part about legacies ending is I won't be able to see Hope Mikaelson be badass. Enjoy this chapter that took forever to come out since I'm always busy.
Josie pov-

I woke up with my head on top of Hope chest while her arms around me and the sun shining through the window hitting my face, I looked at my cellphone and saw its 8 am so I decided to get up and go downstairs to make breakfast for us and whoever is up. I got out of her arms slowly so she wouldn't wake up and went downstairs so the kitchen. When I got there I saw Nik in the fridge looking through it.

"Good morning little man...what are you doing in the fridge," I asked making him stop what he was doing.

"Hi Jo-Jo, I'm hungry and I'm trying to find a snack but it's nothing," he said pointing to the vegetables in the fridge.

"Since your hungry let's make breakfast," I said smiling.

"Yayy!" He said excitedly rushing to a chair that I had helped him into.

I started to make pancakes and bacon, after finishing I cut up some apples, and gave him some orange juice for him and apple juice for me since I hate coffee. We both eating until Freya comes into the kitchen.

"There you are I was looking everywhere for you Nik," Freya said.

"Sorry mama I was with Josie she made food for me," he said

"Thank you Josie for making breakfast but what is it that you needed to talk to me about," she said picking up an apple slice.

"It's kinda a private matter I don't want to talk about in front of Nik"

"Alright, honey go to your room eat, and watch tv I come up and tell you to come back later," Freya said to Nik making him take some of his food and head out of the kitchen. Freya whispers a spell so no one can hear our conversation.

"So what's on mind Josie"

"A few months ago I found an ancient spell that Ayanna Bennett made for your family. The information in the book says nobody in the supernatural world knows about this spell except Klaus Mikealson who lost it mid-1920s"  I said,  Freya's eyes went wide.

"Why haven't I heard of this spell?"

"Well it has been hidden for many years and you have asked your brother that. I want to bring back  Klaus, Hayley, Stefan, Enzo, and My birth mom"

Alright let's go out to the Bayou before anybody else in the compound wakes up" Freya said speed walking out of the kitchen.

I go back to the room put on some jeans, and a simple shirt, and grab my spellbook. I go downstairs out the door and see Freya already there waiting on me, we drive to the bayou in silence.

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