Spend time

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Welcome to another chapter of my edited version of forever that I did before I went on break. I hope you enjoy the approved chapter. I realized all im publishing is stuff I already wrote before my break.....


I woke up very happy since it was officially Saturday and I had the whole day to myself to work out by myself and paint, but that happiness did not last long when I heard Alaric's voice on through the school loudspeakers. I cant never have a day to myself to chill.

"Attention students, very good morning to everyone, and have a great chill day. Please report to the Office of principal Hope Mikaelson, Josie Saltzman, and Lizzie Saltzman" Alaric said over the Loudspeakers.

I wasn't really surprised he called me and his daughters to the office this early. I quickly changed into some grey sweatpants and a tight-fitting tank top that showed my abs through it and i headed to Alaric's office.

Hey, what's up Alaric..is everything fine?"

"Do you remember our conversation yesterday I told you something happen in town? " Alaric said.


"Apparently this morning a woman came out of mud, according to witnesses, and Sherrif Donovan said the woman shoot fir out her mouth," he said getting out papers

"What the hell?!"

"Language," he said

"I'm sorry, I still dont understand what you want me to do to help"I said

" I want you and the girls to go town look for the woman, Once you find her call me but dont approach her you dont want to be set on fire," He said looking between me and the twins.

" Okay, but why bring the twins?" I said looking at Josie and Lizzie

" I dont want to go anywhere with the mut" Lizzie said glaring at me.

" Take it easy, this is not how I planned to spend my Saturday. I will rather be in my bed watching tv in silence than spend time with you" I said.

" Girls, you have known each other for a decade, and yall still can't get along with each other this can improve the relationship," Alaric said.

"Okay dad, we will" the first time the brunette spoke up since I arrived at the room" Go already have work to do," Alaric said, I and the twins walk out the door to the car.

After what seemed like an internal car ride in hell with Lizzie complaints about me, and the weather we finally reached Town square " I can't believe I'll spend my whole Saturday looking for a fire breathing woman when I could be Rafael" Lizzie said stomping her feet like a two-year-old child.

" LIZZIE CAN YOU JUST SHUT UP!"Josie said surprisingly i have never heard an angry Josie. she sounds hot asf when she yelling she might look hotter when she screaming my....nvm.

"Dont yell at me, of course, ima complain we I'm spending my day looking for someone with a person I dont like, "Lizzie said walking away. I could hear her cursing under her breath while still walking away, got back into the car heading back to the school, leaving me and Josie alone.

" Sorry, my sister can be quite a pain in the ass," she said

"It's cool I'm used to it now. She can be very annoying too with all her complaining" I said. We went all through town searching every inch of it to only find nothing.

"I'm hungry, what do you say if we eat something at Mystic grill and continue search later?" she asked. I'm kinda nervous I never spent so much time alone with Josie before.

"Yeah of course and I pay for it," I said nervously. We went to Mystic grill and ordered burgers and fries. We sat in the back of the restaurant waiting as our food arrived I began to devour my whole burguer. " You were hungry, weren't you?" she said laughing at the ketchup on the side of my face.

"Yes, I'm sorry since I'm a wolf especially a special one I'm always hungry," I said wiping my mouth.

" What does it feel like transforming into a wolf," she says a little nervous.

"It hurts a bit the transformation is great when you're a wolf, you feel free and connected to nature," i said before we could see a woman in her 20's, dark and with very high fashioned clothes, spitting fire out her mouth. I quickly put an invisibility spell around the entire place leaving the woman, Josie, and me alone.

"Hope wa.. before Josie could finish her sentence I had already advanced on the woman. I hit her a couple of times but I'm opted to cast a spell." Josie grabs my hand and repeats after me" I said snatching her hand. We recite a spell that completely turned the woman to stone, at that moment Alaric and Lizzie appeared, the latter absorbed to invisibility spell to be able to see us.


"I know, but it's kinda an instinct to just solve something," i said

"It's fine but you can't put yourself and the girls in danger like that \\: he said this time looking at Josie.

"Although I love watching this, we have a bigger problem," Lizzie said looking at the stone woman who was beginning to come back. " All of you go back to school I got this" Alaric said, we all head to the car driving back to the school.

When I got to school it was almost night and I was exhausted so I decided to go to my room. After showering I put on a sports bra that really made my boobs pop out of them when I bend over pick something and some grey shorts. At the moment i heard a knock on the door and went to open it.

"Hi, how are you? Emm...I....I just wanted to return your jacket" Josie said nervously as she gave me my jacket that she thought I forgot at the mystic grill. I didn't say anything for a while just looking down at what she was wearing then I felt something twitch.

"Thank you very much," I said covering my shorts.

" And also I wanted to tell you that I had a great time today spending time with you" she said giving me a slight smile"

"I had a great time too.....you want to come in and do something?" i asked

"Sure we can watch a movie," she said walking into my room flopping on the bed. I close the door turning my tv on putting it on tangled.

To be continued

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