New Orleans

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Hope pov-

I was very nervous going back to New Orleans, i haven't been there since my parents died. I went up to my room get I and Josie bags we packed last night, i changed into some sweats and tank top.

I went downstairs and there was Josie next to Lizzie, Alaric, and rest super squad.

"You ready to hit the road with my family baby" i said giving Josie kiss on the cheek

"Yup cant wait see your childhood home" Josie said

"Alright girls i hope you both have safe trip to New Orleans and have fun we all be here waiting for your return" Alaric said.

"If something happens to my sister during trip, i will personally stake you" Lizzie threatened

"Bring us some stuff back Hope" squad yelled at us. Went to the entrance of school where my family was waiting for us.

"Ready girls" Marcel asked

We both nodded, kol and davina got in the Lexus, Freya, Keelin and Nik got into van filled everybody bags; everybody got other car leaving I and Josie to ride on my motorcycle behind them.

Whole drive Josie was sleep on my back holding on me tight. We entered New Orleans hours later heading towards house that was surrounded by security, most was vampires that follow Marcel.

"Princess wake up" I whispered turning my head a little earning a yawn from Josie.

"The best sleep i ever had laying on someone back" She said getting off motorcycle heading into the house and i just follow.

Josie pov-

Entering the house i recognized it was very old but beautiful, beside very large with one painting on every wall.

"Welcome to the complex where we mostly be except compound" Elijah said pouring himself glass of bourbon.

"This beautiful" i said looking around more.

"I know reason why i still stay here sometime" Rebekah said

"Yeah this old place is beautiful now come on to my room" Hope said grabbing my hand leading me upstairs entering room end of the second floor.

Upon entering it was old looking room kinda scary, there was a large bed with black sheets on it, various dark furniture match bed, paint cans on the floors, paintings on the walls, a huge bathroom, and large balcony that left a view of the beautiful city.

"You like it" Hope asked.

"Yeah its very you...scary but kinda cute at same time"

"Yup its great but what do you wanna do first?" Hope asked putting on shirt.

"I had never been to New Orleans, i dont know where to start everything looks great" i said

"How about i give you a tour of the whole city, we can buy everything you want and that you like plus something for our friends in Mystic falls. When night comes, we'll get drink from best bar here and dinner somewhere" Hope said.

"You are aware we are still minors a little"

"Love, i practically grew up going there, this city belongs to my family and i assure you that they will let us in anywhere and if they dont they be in trouble with my uncle Elijah" Hope said kissing both my hands.

"Wow you really are technically the queen of this city now huh?"

"Not queen just princesses i consider my mom the queen of this city before she died" Hope said.

"Come here" i said grabbing her chin and kissing her. I take her hand and we go back downstairs seeing Rebekah, kol, and freya playing with lil nik.

"Where are you lady's going" kol asked curiously.

"Im taking Josie for tour around the city , Josie had never been here before" hope said.

"Okay have fun...but dont come back any later than 12am or i do location spell and find you" Freya said

"Sister leave them alone they can be gone however long they want the city safe"Rebekah said earning a glare from freya

"Exactly, thank you Aunt bex...we be back as soon clock turns 11pm" Hope said now dragging me out the complex.

Whole afternoon through the streets of New Orleans, I got to know the French Quarter, bayou where the crescent pack use to stay before all of them disappeared, and bakery that hope loves where her dad use get her favorite desert. We stopped by a mall and got few gifts for the squad knowing they would complain if we didn't come back with nothing.

As night came we decided to go Rousseau's bar to have couple drinks to finish off the night before we went back to complex. Upon entering the bar Hope got greeted enthusiastically. At school before we even got together she didnt talk anyone, here she looked comfortable talk to anyone.

It was almost 11pm when we realized we were running late, so we paid and headed headed back to complex. Everyone was sitting waiting at dining table.

"Right on time" Elijah said

"Did doubt i wont come back at 11pm?" hope said crossing her arms

"No little wolf just thought you would want alone time with your girlfriend before coming back to complex full vampires and a witch" Elijah said sitting down head of the table.

We settled at the end of dining room table when food was served, Freya came out the kitchen looking tired sitting next to her wife. We spent next hour talking about school, hope embarrassing moments when she was a kid, and other things, i really felt apart of the family already.

After dinner was done we all went to out rooms ready for bed.

"Did you have great time today love?" Hope asked taking off her shirt getting in the bed beside me.

"I had great time today tour city with you and dinner with your family. They make me feel like im part family already and I love it"

"Love you are already part of us, you are part our family, you signed up be part our family when you agreed be my girlfriend" she said giving me tender kiss on my lips

"I love you Hope Andrea Mikaelson"

"I love you too Josie Olivia Saltzman always and forever" Hope said.

"Always and forever babe"

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