
422 16 1

Welcome to my 16 chapter of this story I already wrote many weeks ago. See yall my break stops February 28 or march 16.
Elijah pov-

Its finally morning and all of us sitting in the office waiting for my older sister to walk in to explain to us why both Josie and Hope eyes are red.

I never in my life saw wolf with red eyes well let me take that back I have met wolf girl named lsis hundred years ago who had hidden power which made her more lethal wolf and her bite instantly killed vampires. She was most beautiful woman i ever saw before i met Hope's mother.

"Okay i got the answer why both their eyes are red" Freya said busting in the door with a very old looking book, Everybody sat down waiting for her talk more.

"Doing my research only descendant's of lsis a Goddess/first wolf has red eyes which makes them more lethal than a ordinary wolf and if they bote you the person will die within 15 minutes until they drink their blood".

"We met her before but never knew she was our ancestor just only she was friend of Ayana bennet" Kol said looking down at the book.

"Hundred years when i was awake i remember i met her somewhere in the woods she eating a apple looking at the trees blow in the wind. She saw me and told me sit next to her and eat some fruit with her, she then start tell me one day hundred years from now her 2  descendants will become what save this awful world" Freya said staring off in space. Alaric didnt say nothing but grabbed his book start reading.

"Her descendants are Josie and Hope then" Keelin said.

"Yeah...we are going witnessing the power of Lsis within both of them" Freya said.

"Powerful couple WHO ARE WOMEN!" Kol yelled earning a slap from davina making everyone chuckle in the room.

Hope pov

I woke up outside surrounded by tree's blowing and covered in little mud I realized i was deep in woods naked. I immediately remember last night, i transformed into a wolf to go on run with Josie for the first time, it was fun running with Josie and playing with her while she was wolf.

I sat up from the ground and saw my girlfriend walking towards me still naked slightly covered with grass and mud. Is it me or Josie boobs are growing and ass.

"Finally you are awake i was getting kinda worried" she said pecking my lips sitting next to me on the grass.

"How are you feeling about last night?" I asked.

"Not stressed like i was yesterday during our classes" Josie said staring ahead.

"Do you remember some parts of last night?" She nodded yes smiling at me.

"I pacifically remember us playing in th mud somewhere playing around" she said.

"No wonder we both have little mud on us" i said making her agree with me, she got up still holding my arm.

"Come on babe we have go back before they get worried about us" Josie said tugging on my arm but i pulled her down on my lap.

"They can wait for few more minutes" i said grinding my length against her making her gasp. I moved my hands to her ass squeezing it and smacking it making Josie grind against me more.

She already so wet for me i aint even have slide inside her yet.

"Daddy its time to go" she moaned looking at me, her eyes turned red looking at me then i heard a scream from infront of us.

If its lizzie ima kill myself

"I didn't sign up come see a live porn starring my sister" Lizzie said throwing us our clothes. Josie growled getting off of me putting on her clothes.

"You could waited at school for us to return" Josie said putting on her blouse.

"Dad sent me out here i didn't want come here wanted have breakfast" Lizzie said walking away.

"Will you stop acting froze and put your clothes on we need to go Hope" she said throwing my clothes. I put on my clothes and we start walking to school.

We enter the school to see my family and dr. Saltzman.

"Good morning everybody" I and Josie said

"Hello niece, lizzie told me you and Josie was very busy in the woods" kol said winking at me making me look away.

"Shut up kol we have something tell you both" Rebekah said.

"First Josie you have start training every morning with Hope and me"  Alaric said

"I can just hit punching bags for hours instead" Josis said.

"Now that your wolf you have more strength and energy to unload, we don't want you accidentally send someone to medical because they pissed you off" Alaric said.

"Second we have other news. Last night discovering that your wolf eyes are red a color it shouldn't be I did my research that only descendants of lsis have them which very rare" Freya said.

"I thought she got my eye color because we are mates" i said confused.

"Yeah that's partly a reason you both share same power, but still when wolves mate their eyes dont turn red" Freya said.

"Who is she or he" i said

"She was our ancestor" kol said.

" the family I decided return New Orleans for few weeks there, and I think good for Josie not be around alot of people at this time. We will help and train josie, not to only fight but also control your wolf . While we look at other information about descendants" Freya said.

"WE GOING NEW ORLEANS"  I said earning a nod from all of them

"Josie dont worry about school everything will be arranged" Alaric said

"Okay girls go pack" Elijah said.

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