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Yes, you guessed it I typed this before my break. Enjoy this chapter of forever that i had put in because I had nothing else on my mind. 


Josie pov

The weekend was over finally and I haven't seen hope since Saturday night; Although I didn't like to admit it in front of my sister since she would have a big tantrum saying im forbidden from talking to her. I had liked hanging out with Hope and I'm a bit upset that after Saturday night I didnt seen her again. 

I decided to get out my thoughts and headed to class, luckily the next class was not with my sister. As I listen to the teacher talk about more advanced spells, an alarm went off/ It was the evacuation alarm, seconds later I could hear my father on the speaker.

"Attention all students this is not a drill I repeat this is not a drill, All students evacuate the school as possible and go stan by the fences," he said. I immediately stood up, took my bookbag, and headed to my father's office. As I entered I saw Lizzie, Mg, Kaleb, Rafael, Landon, and Hope. when the hell did Landon get back?! i screamed in my head.

"Somebody going tell me what the hell is going on? why did you evacuate all the students?" i said. 

"There is a gargoyle on campus, we dont know how it comes to life or what it wants, so far everyone's safety is better for students to evacuate" He finished saying. I went to the couch sitting down next to Hope. 

"What are we going to do to stop it?" mg finally spoke up.

"I and Dorian will solve it by ourselves," Dad said. 

"No offense Alaric but you're a human just like Dorian, you cannot fight a gargoyle that can kill you by just punching you. Let us handle it we have more of a chance of solving it than both of you" Hope said.

"Can I go also?" Landon said looking at hope for her approval

"Of course you cant go fire chicken you dont have any serious power we can really use. The only thing your use to is dying hundred times for dumb reasons and being bate" Lizzie said with venom in her tone, I look over to Hope see she trying hard not to laugh at what she said. " Fine i stay here on the sidelines," he said lowering his head. 

"I have a plan," Hope said. As Hope explained the plan I could only think about how sexy she looked with a messy bun and her tight pants showing more than you would like to see. What is wrong with me? I thought. When everyone started to leave do what hope had asked of them, I stayed in place, I didnt really understand anything.

"Josie, aren't you coming?" Hope asked turning around giving me a confused stare. "Oh yeah sure, I'm coming," I said now walking with her. 

We left the office and went to the library to see it completely empty." What are we exactly looking for" i asked.

"You didnt hear anything I said?" Hope said annoyed.

"I'm sorry, you distracted me....i was distracted in general you know mg with his jokes and dumb stuff he says and all that" After saying i blush, God how am I so stupid. Hope had been staring at me up and down, she spent a good minute just doing that I couldn't tell she was mad, surprised, or happy,

"Well, we have find a way to kill gargoyles. Question how i distracted you" Hope asked walking closer to me.

"How sexy you look today I can take my eyes off you. Especially when you wear little too-tight jeans and I can see everything your packing" I said stepping closer to her.

"Well, you look very sexy today yourself Josette wearing a short skirt showing your ass. Sometimes I just wanna take you in my room fuck you until you can't walk for a week" Hope said kissing my cheek then walking away. 

*Skipping how they killed the Gargoyle cut this chapter short*

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