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Dont worry a new chapter of the unexpected affair will be uploaded soon just be patient with me...need to make it a little worth reading. this story is really getting better I'm happy for the upcoming chapters. 

Enjoy this chapter of Forever hope you like it. 


Hope pov

I woke up with Josie on top of me, we had fallen asleep on the blanket and I didnt know what time it was but it was already daylight because the sun was hitting my face through the trees. Slowly I moved and began to fill her face with kisses when I noticed that she began to wake up.

"Good morning love" I whispered

"Good morning handsome.....if you wake me up like this I always think we'll have to have more dates here" she said with a smile snuggling closer to me

"There is no doubt about that, but next time one will be organized by me. Now we have to go to class or your father starts questioning us why you are not in first period" I said.

"Shit, my father" she whispers and quickly standing up fixing her clothes.  She took my hand and lead me all the way back to the school.

"Love, you want this to be a secret or something public," I said.

"I dont want it to be a secret, you are my girlfriend and I am very happy about this. do you want to keep us a secret?"

"No baby, but we can tell everyone except your father, I'm not ready to face the fury of Dr. Saltzman yet," I said nervously and she laughed kissing my cheek.

"Of course, no problem....I love you babe" Josie said.

"I love you too my love," I said. We went to our classes and then to lunch, when we got to the dining room we were both holding hands so most of the whole cafe was looking at us especially our friends with questioning looks. We approached the table where Lizzie, Mg, Kaleb, Jed,  Landon, and Rafael sat down.

"Hey guys," Josie said excitedly

"Whatsapp squad," I said looking at mg and Jed.

" Something you want to tell us," they all said while they saw us still holding hands on the table while we ate lunch. 

"We are dating," Josie said kissing me on the cheek. Landon, Rafael, and Kaleb choked on their food and looked at us in amazement.

"We won't say anything to Alaric yet, I'd rather postpone my death as long as possible," I said causing Lizzie to laugh. Lizzie and Jed started teasing me and asking so many questions until Alaric's voice came on through the speakers.

"Good morning student, I request the presence of the super squad in the office" We all looked at each other and assumed it was a new monster so we quickly went. Upon arrival, we see Dorian, Emma, and Alaric with very worried faces. 

"  New monster Alaric," Landon said.

Yes, the bull or whatever should be right outside so take care of it before destroying the school" he said and  At that moment we heard screams coming from the corridor, we went and saw a creature that looked like half man and half bull. He had an ax in his hands and had begun to destroy everything.

"This gonna be fun," Lizzie said excitedly causing me to roll my eyes saying a spell. I put the monster to sleep with the spell and it collapsed to the ground. Rafael and Kaleb carried him and took him to the forest since they wanted to question him, we didnt know what time he would awake, and in a blink of an eye, it had thrown thee into a tree. Mg quickly tried to get closer with his super speed but just got thrown to the tree along with the other two boys.

There were only the four of us left, Lizzie and Josie grabbed each other hands to perform a spell but I went ahead and transformed into a wolf. I ran towards the monster and began to attack it, tore it and bit again and again on its neck; When I thought I was dying enough I turned away and looked at the twins who were still looking at me in shock since Lizzie never saw me in my wolf form before. 

I was distracted looking at the twins that I didnt feel as the monster got back up, stuck one of his horns in my stomach and I fell on the ground whining. Being on the ground I could see Kaleb had broken his neck before he did more damage.

Josie pov

When the monster hurt Hope I felt my heart drop, she was lying on the ground bleeding and whining and i didnt know what to d, I was completely immobile. Until Lizzie pulled me out of my thoughts. 

"JOSIE! BOYS! GET HOPE TO THE SCHOOL" she shouted at them. Rafael and Kaleb took her still in her wolf form and took her inside the school. While mg took me and Lizzie with his super-speed with them.

We are at the school and Alaric saw us with a worried face, we knew that Hope would heal but we didnt know how long it would take.

"What happened," dad asked

"The monster woke up when Rafael and Kaleb carried it and threw them towards a  tree and then Mg and Hope turned into her wolf to attack him. I think she thought he was dead because he pulled away and then I dont know how the monster woke up again and stuck one of its horns in her stomach"  I said rubbing my head

" Dont worry about monster already killed him, "mg said

"Take hope to her room," Alaric said.

"Are we supposed to help her wound or something"

"The wound not that deep enough to bleed out, most of the blood is from the monster I think, also hope it will heal on its own. The best thing for her right now is rest"Alaric said walking to his office. They took her to her own room and laid her on her bed, we did not know how to make her transform to her human form but it was better since she was a wolf she can heal faster.

I decided to spend the whole night in her room, I didnt want her to wake up and be alone so I took some blankets and a pillow from my room and went to Hope's room. Upon arrival, I could see my dad sitting on her bed.

"Hi Josie, what are you doing here so late," he said looking at the handful of blankets I had in my hand.

"I'll sleep here, I want to take care of her," I said putting down my blankets on her bed

"Josie you have classes tomorrow, you have to rest well"

"I won't rest well if I know she is like this, I need to know he's safe so I'll stay here until she wakes up," I said sitting beside her. My father didnt say anything,I think my behavior towards hope seemed strange to him since I never did this before but he just nodded and left the room. I threw myself on the floor arranging a couple of blankets and the pillow, but before I approached hope and whispered

"Dont worry baby, I'm here with you," I said kissing her fur and nose  

i hope she wakes up soon 

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