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I had to add this did everybody see the new poster for season 4 of legacies because wow it looked amazing. I'm going to upload this story a little more to get to the number of chapters i was on because i had put Mikaelsons and famliy playhouse on hold for it. Enjoy this chapter of Forever the edited version and better than the original.

If you didnt know this is a Hope G!P  


Hope pov-

It has been a couple of weeks since the gargoyle, and since then Alaric had offered us to create super equipment and fighting schedules. I honestly didnt like anything about his idea of working with so many people and much less if one of them is Lizzie.

Even the last time we got along happily, we weren't best friends but we tolerated each other to get things done.. I also began to deepen my kinda sexual friendship with Josie a lot more, every day that passed i felt more close to her enchanted.

Did I mention today is Friday, so it was a famliy call. Every Friday of the week my famliy made a video call to see how I'm doing since we dont see each other often, except for holidays and important events.

After my final classes, I went back to my room, changed into some comfortable clothes, sat at my desk, and turned on my computer. it's almost 5 pm when I received a call from Aunt Freya. 

Freya: Good afternoon my beautiful niece

Hope: Hello aunt, how are you?

Keelin: What about your other aunt? or dont you love me no more?- she said appearing in the screen with Nik in her hands

At that moment the Rebekah joined the call together with Marcel, In another square, Davina with Kol, the square on the far left is Elijah and his wife =, and finally my Hayley and Klaus.

Klaus: How is my littlest wolf?

Hope: Hi dad, how are you. I miss you so much but, not more than i miss mom

Hayley: told you she missed me more- Hayley said smirking at Klaus

Rebekah: How is school, Hope?

Hope: It's going awesome rn

Elijah: that's good 

Marcel: Little sis I'm waiting for you to bring a boy home to meet us still- Klaus's face went into a panic  mode which everybody noticed and laughed at him

Hope: that not going to happen Dad would tear him apart for even dating me-

They all started laughing at my comment and started asking embarrassing things I wouldn't answer. We spent the whole afternoon chatting about the super squad, malivore monsters, and some other random things. 

We were talking when I heard Josie's voice over the speaker." Super quad report to the principal office ASAP plus Hi Hopey" she said instantly I started to blush, I turned to my famliy seeing them all smile except my dad giving me a serious look. " I'm sorry, but I must go," I said they all waved goodbye going out of the chat one by one. I raced down to Alaric office.

"Do you know what the problem is?" I ask Lizzie who is already in the office looking annoyed.

"I think another monster is on campus or something but no idea" I was surprised Lizzie answer me like someone normal without any offensive or sarcastic comment, so I just went silent to not ruin the moment. A few seconds later the rest of the team and Alaric along with Dorian, However, my attention goes to Josie who wearing a crop top showing the showing of her tone stomach. Alaric spoke taking me out of my thoughts.

FOREVER(December)Where stories live. Discover now