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Its new years eve people you know that means last update of the year before 2022....yall might need follow me because 2022 is another great hosie year and more. Hope you all enjoy this chapter
Hope pov-

After an intense morning of working out, going to class, talking more about the bond and dealing with Josie dad bullshit, I decided to spend the rest of the day with Josie watching Harry Potter movies all afternoon. It was around 6 in the afternoon we were cuddling when note appears in front of us.

We are expecting both of you at dinner tonight. We see you at 8pm at our house

Mikealson clan

"come on baby we have get ready for dinner tonight with my family" i said getting up find something to wear

"What will i wear we have 2 hours to get ready and that mansion is very far from here"

"Don't worry love there's time and it just a dinner honey" i said rubbing her shoulders

"Its my first formal dinner with your family Hope" she said getting up quickly from the bed to find something. I walked behind her wapping my arms around her to reassure her and apparently it worked since she not that tense anymore.

"There is a dress in my closet for you that i personally got for this dinner so you wont have worry about finding something. Take all this off and get on the dress" i said

She walked to the closet to see a red dress with matching purse hanging inside with heels.

"This is beautiful Hope"

"I know its same one my aunt wanted me get her but i wouldn't so yeah" i said

"Okay lets hurry this up then cant keep them waiting" she said.

2 hours later

Josie pov-

At the exactly 8pm we arrived at the Mikaelson's house, i knew they was wealthy but damn this is gorgeous. We knocked and freya opened

"Come in we been expecting you" she said

"Hello aunt"  hope said hugging her tightly. After i said my hello's we entered the mansion and found a large dining room with dinner prepared in front of us, it was very elegant and formal...yeah my uncle Elijah did all this

At that moment the Mikaelson's came downstairs, Marcel and Rebekah went to another room, kol and Davina left went into the kitchen leaving us with Elijah

"Hello my favorite niece" Elijah said looking at me." I glad you both accepted our invitation.

"Yeah wouldn't miss it for the world" Hope said squeezing Josie hand. Keelin had walked in with nik.

"Hopey!" Nik yelled hugging hope leg. He looked up at me and tug on her dress to look down at him.

"Hey Josie" he said innocent voice, he so cute.

"Time for dinner everybody" Marcel yelled from the kitchen and that when everybody came into the dining room sit down. I was sat beside keelin and Josie, kol and davina across from me, Elijah at head of the table where my dad use to sit, marcel and rebekah at the end, and freya beside her wife.

Dinner was pretty eventful watching my aunts and uncles pick at each other every second or get in a debate about something. Marcel talked about how things are in New Orleans, kol and Davina told us a very strange story and killing for some reason...mainly kol, and freya and keelin talk about their plans of moving to mystic falls soon.

"Josie, could you come with me for second" Elijah asked very seriously and extended his hand go outside. Josie took his hand walking outside.

I and Elijah walked in silence through the huge garden, when he stopped in the middle and sat on the bench.

"I have to be honest it was shock finding out my niece is dating one of Caroline daughters.." He said

"Why is that?"

"Many years ago my brother/hope dad...met your mother and completely fell in love with her, she stole his heart from first sight...now you and Hope remind me of them a little. Remembering how he use talk about her and paint her" he said.

"Did they ever date?" I asked.

"No, mainly because klaus has habit of not letting himself find happiness..he always thought of love as a weakness until Hope was born. He wanted your mother be happy and he couldnt give her that at the time a lot people wanted kill us....especially her friends" Elijah said smiling at the last word.

"My mother used to tell us story about klaus how he was her epic love.... She never told us his name but i think i know now" i said.

"Why are you with our niece? We have enemies all over the world wanting to kill us, a terrible past, and plus we are very hard people to handle sometime" Elijah said.

"When im with Hope i finally feel complete, i love her more than i ever loved anyone and that will not change because of her dark past or her family. She the woman i want spend eternity beside...i want have a big family with her... Answer your question i rather have life full enemies trying kill me" i said.

"Welcome to the family then future Mikaelson" he said grabbing hand leading me back to the house. See entered the dining room seeing everyone putting away the food and dishes.

"Is everything alright brother?" freya asked

"Everything is perfect" he said

"Hey baby what yall talk about out there? Dont tell me its anything bad" hope said glaring at Elijah.

"Its nothing bad Hope i promise i just want sleep now" i said.

"Come on then we can sleep here in my room" Hope said guiding me upstairs.

To be continued next chapter.....

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