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Growing up all over the place I managed to learn one thing, embrace every opportunity. Dad brought me around with him, every country, every camp. My mum died shortly after I was born, leaving my dad heartbroken and responsible for an infant. He taught me how to love people, places and possessions no matter how small. You never knew where the army would want him to end up next. We would go from living on a small island off of the middle of nowhere to the biggest cities in the world. Fortunately we would end up going back to England, my home country, majority of the time. Dad's British and my mum Australian. He always told me the story of how they met. My mum worked as a burlesque dancer in the camp scene of London, her beauty and hypnotic voice drawing in vast crowds every night. His friends had dragged him along to her club, dad had actually got so drunk that he threw up on her friend, not the best first impression. Mum was forced to clean him up, he told me by the time he sobered up he realised he was in love with her. However it would take some convincing to make her feel the same way. He visited her club every single night for two weeks until she finally agreed to go out with him. As I grew older, dad would tell me more about her, showing me pictures. She had the most distinctive green eyes which I had luckily inherited. 

My favourite placement, which was our final destination before dad retired. Although he and my mum had me quite young, when I turned 14 he decided that he was going to keep us in a more stable environment. It was difficult at first, knowing that this place wasn't going to be just temporary and that I needed to actually make a good impression. Luckily it didn't take me too long to make friends with the local Evans brothers. Scott was the same age as me, Chris a couple years older. I swear from the first moment I met them I knew I was in trouble, my god was I right. They used drag me around with them everywhere. Our favourite location being the small wooded area a couple of minutes from my house. One summer we had spent the entire time creating our own little treehouse, with plenty of help from my dad. I can't remember the exact moment I met them, we just sort of grew into a trio.


Aged 15

"don't do it Evans!" I warned, my bruised legs swinging from the tree branch I was perched on. The dirty blonde boy grinning up at me his mouth full of metal braces, as he began to jump up trying to grab my legs. A shriek escaped my lips as he managed to grab a hold of my foot, my converse falling off and into his hand. "your not going to help me Scott!" I screamed to the boy who sat on the grass watching us.

"nope" he replied, completely unbothered by his brother's attempts to knock me out of the tree. Finally giving up, Chris slumped down onto the grass next to Scott. A frown snuck onto my face, disappointed that he had given up so soon. I launched myself off the branch, landing gracefully on my feet. Picking up my other shoe which had been snatched from my foot and hobbling over to the two boys.

The familiar sound of my fathers truck pulled up at the front of the Evans residence. "boys" I nodded as I sprung onto my feet.

"see you later Liv?" Chris questioned.

"maybe" I winked before running off to the truck.


The first time I suspected that I was in love with Chris was when I was 16. I'd spent the previous night and was sat at the breakfast bar with Chris. His sandy brown hair hanging shaggily across his forehead, sleep still in his eyes. As I watched him spoon cereal into his mouth, I felt my heart flutter out of the blue. My thoughts lead me to imagine kissing him which pushed me over the edge.

The time I actually knew I was in love with him was around 8 months later. He had taken Scott and me to our first high school party. Him being older and on the football team meant that he was always invited. A very nerdy Scott and an equally as embarrassingly so me trailed behind him to the party. Scott was the one who wanted to go, I was happy to stay at home on my sofa and pig out on marshmallows. My British accent and geeky look often led me to be picked on, making me very uncomfortable visiting events like this. But I still ended up going anyway for Scott's sake. The night was eventful and I ended up pissed. Chris was forced to take me back to his house, not wanting to get in trouble with my dad. He stayed up with me, brushing my disgusting sick covered hair out of my face. Over the next year I tried avoiding my feelings at all costs, which included avoiding him. But somehow his goofy smile always appeared by my side.

New years eve one year, his family were having a party, inviting my dad and I. The trio, me, Scott and Chris ended up sneaking some of my dads vodka behind his back and had gotten drunk. After helping Scott throw all the content of his stomach up we helped him into his bed. Chris and I ended up laying on his roof in the freezing cold were we ended up kissing for the first time.

~Authors note - this is my first fan fic so I hope you like it!~

When we were young | Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now