Chapter 28

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After what felt like forever and a day, I was finally allowed to go home. That morning was full of 'simple' medical tests, Chris panicking, my Dad being my absolute saviour and Jess giggling at the manic state Chris had worked himself into. He had insisted that he wheeled me out of the hospital, I enjoyed that bit but I had to draw the line when he wanted to carry me into my apartment. We only had one day together before he had to jet off back to LA. I felt bad for keeping him so long, but it sounds as if no one could convince him to go back. Unfortunately he would be gone until god knows when. Due to the fact he missed so much time off work, it meant that they would have a shit ton of work to do when he finally arrived back. I would miss him, but I was much more happier about the place we were in compared to where we were before.

My Dad stayed a bit longer after Chris left. He was retired now, and as long as he got Edna to water the plants he was okay. It was fun having him around more. Although he was still wanting me to have bed rest he wasn't anywhere near as persistent as Chris. Which meant I could actually go on walks with him. It was considerably cooler in New York as it was steeply heading into winter. It didn't stop us going to get ice cream though. He'd made it his personal mission that I did not make tea once whilst he was there. Any time I even attempted it, he would bark orders for me to sit down and if I would protest I would just get told to shut up and deal with it. I think that's almost the way we say we love each other. Obviously he has told me he loves me before, but neither of us are exactly in touch with our emotions, and we don't really talk about them. It's never been a negative thing, we just don't like doing it. I remember when I was younger, if I ever had a bad day or came home upset, my dad would bring me up a cup of tea and a slice of cake, and that's just what we did. Its how we showed affection.

"Feeling tired poppet?" he questioned after a massive yawn escaped my lips.

"Just a bit but I wanna watch the rest of the movie" I replied, holding my hand over my mouth trying to disguise another yawn. I had always been a tired person but it feels like its on steroids.

"Go to bed, we can watch it tomorrow" dad insisted, before gathering his things up, "Give me a call if you need anything tonight and I'll come see you tomorrow" he smiled.

Shortly after waving him off I went to bed. And I slept, and slept and slept. I swear I have never slept so much in my life. It was that bad that I had 26 missed calls from Jess.

"Hey sorry I was sleeping" I returned her call.

"You scared the life out of me. I thought someone crept into your apartment and held a pillow over your face!" she replied.

"That's oddly specific, Seb been making you watch those creepy documentaries?" I giggled.

"Yes and yes, they are very scary" I could practically hear her pout through the phone. My phone began buzzing.

"Hang on" I glanced down and saw Chris contact, "Chris is calling, I'll see you later?"

"Yep see you in a bit" she answered before I hung up and accepted his call.

"Hi" I exhaled.

"Hey, how you feeling?" he replied

"Pretty good, how about you? How's filming?" I propped myself up from the position I was in when I called Jess.

"Stressful. I should be back by Christmas though which is good." he sighed, he sounded frustrated and tired.

"What are your plans for Christmas?" I questioned, beginning to play with a loose strand of my hair as I did so.

"The usual. What are you thinking?"

"I was thinking, that maybe we could spend Christmas together?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yes I would love to!" he exclaimed.

"Okay good, I'll be going back home so maybe it could be like old times?" I giggled.

"That sounds amazing, and you could come stay with me and Dodger?"

"Yeah I would like that" I smiled.

We caught up for a while before Dad and Jess arrived. Jess had apparently been winding him up the whole way up to my apartment. They were bickering, but both teamed up against me as soon as I uttered a word and began taking the mick out of me. It was just the dynamic they had, I had been best friends with Jess for what felt like forever. When her and my dad met, I swear they just clicked and she automatically became my sister. If she asked I guarantee that he would adopt her in a heartbeat.

After a couple of days, Dad went home. Although he didn't want to leave me, he constantly expressed his concern of Edna drowning his precious plants. I assured him that I was completely fine for him to go home, I still had Jess to smother me with concern. Once he had gone home, I actually had some time to myself, Jess still had to work. Which I still wasn't allowed to go back to, I missed it so much. I took the lack of work as an opportunity to go out and do more photography. The first day took it out of me, I probably overdid it with the walking. I insisted to myself that I would get off the subway early and walk the rest of the way to central park. However I got a taxi on the way back. I did get good photos though. The snow created a white sparkling blanket across the once green grass. As the day progressed children appeared, making snowmen and snow angels. It made my heart pang a bit, remembering our loss, but it was still beautiful to watch the happiness occur. It took me to a place where I was imagining Chris and I's future, which got me pretty excited.

~A/N not a very eventful chapter but I feel like we could do with some normalcy after all the drama. Enjoy my little baby Olivia being happy~

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