Chapter 3

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The final touches - done. The invites sent - done. The outfits hung up in wardrobe - done. Long night of sleep - not done.

My restless body tossed and turned all night, until the early hours of the morning. The busy rush of New York could still be heard from my open window, although it was considerably less than the usual buzz. What if no one shows? What if no one likes it? What if I sound like a strangled cat and no one comes back? All these 'what ifs' whizzed around in my crowded mine. Grabbing my phone from my nightstand I clicked on the contact, there were a few short rings before the other end of the line picked up.

"i'm asleep you bitch!" a low voice growled through the phone.

"I know, im sorry Scott." After i'd sent the invite to Scott we reconnected, talking over the phone regularly. He was staying with a friend in New York for a couple days before the opening, but I hadn't had the chance to see him yet due to the craziness of my schedule. "what if it goes tits up?" I questioned, panic filling my voice.

I heard him take a deep breath in before replying, "Olivia Rose, you are beautiful and talented. The place looks amazing and you are going to be magnificent" he finally breathed out. This was the same speech he had given me every night over the past week. This was not the first time I had called him in sheer panic. "I will be there tomorrow and so will your dad. We both love you so stop panicking and let me get some damn sleep!" After the line finally went dead I laid on my back, staring at the ceiling. I must of fallen asleep as the next time I opened my eyes my alarm was going off and the sunlight had seeped through my window.

Climbing down my ladder and strolling into the kitchen I began to make myself a cup of tea. It's what my dad always did when I felt anxious. I was just about to put the milk in before I heard a knock at the door. Furrowing my brows, I wasn't expecting anyone, I made my way over to the door and unlocked it. On the other side of the door was my dad. Flinging the door open I threw myself at him. "hey poppet, easy!" he chuckled.

"I didn't know you were stopping by, I wasn't expecting to see you till tonight!" I gasped in excitement. Me being in New York and Dad being in Boston meant that we didn't see each other too often, due to the distance and our busy timetable. Finally letting go of my dad, I let him in.

"you know you really ought to clean up" he sighed, his eyes darting around my messy apartment.

"I know, I know" I rolled my eyes and lead him into the kitchen, "tea?" I questioned. He replied with a short nod.

"so how's my favourite daughter doing?" he gave me a smile, crinkling his eyes.

"she's okay, shit scared about tonight" I confessed. He gave a knowing nod before I handed him a steaming mug of tea.

"Lisa was telling me that Scott's in town?"

"Yeah he is coming tonight. I feel like I haven't seen him in forever, I've definitely missed him" I say before taking a sip of the tea, burning my mouth slightly.

"He's a good boy" dad smiled fondly "any other Evans appearances?" he questioned. Dad had always got along with the Evans family, ever since we first moved to Boston. He would always tell me he wanted me to marry one of them. I'm pretty sure he stayed in touch with Chris after everything went down but I never asked.

"No.." I said quietly, "have you eaten?"

"you know your worse than Edna!" he chuckled. Edna was the old lady who lived next door, she was like my step in grandma as I'd only seen my actual grandma a couple of times due to the fact she lives in the UK. Edna had always kept an eye out for me and my dad, feeding us all the time, brining cakes over every week. I'm convinced she was trying to fatten us up. But ever since I'd moved to NY dad seemed to bare the front of Edna's consistent nagging.

"well you can not cook to save your life!" I persisted grabbing some eggs from the fridge and a frying pan, I began to make scrambled eggs. "how is she anyway?"

"she's still kicking about, nagging me more than ever. She has made me her designated driver now."

"course she has" I giggled. There was another knock at the door, geez I'm popular today. Dad got up, walking over to the door. I could hear the frantic shouts of a wild Jessica Taylor. She ran into the kitchen.

"Papa Rose is here!" she exclaimed before slumping down on a stool at the breakfast bar. Dad took his previous seat next to her.

"J you literally have a key, why didn't you let yourself if?" I asked her.

"I forgot it" she sighed.

"how many people have a key to your apartment?" dad questioned, concern filling his voice.

"just you, Jess and Seb" I replied whilst serving the eggs onto three separate plates and sticking them in front of the two at the breakfast bar. "i'm surprised Seb's not here, he usually barges in around breakfast time."

"he does always seem to be here" Jess nodded.

"I haven't seen that boy in so long" dad smiled, shovelling a forkful of eggs into his mouth.

"I love how you call him boy, like he isn't a man in his 30s" Jess chuckled.

After we'd eaten, Jess and I left my dad comfortable watching football, or 'soccer' as Jess would say, at my apartment whilst we made sure everything was ready. We had to check all the staff were ready and set to go. Everything was in place, the sound system and lights working. A few friends of mine who I played with regularly were coming to perform on stage with me.

Walking a couple of blocks down, we entered our favourite beauty salon in the whole of New York. Our friend Yasmin owned it. "Well if it isn't my two favourite customers!" Yas exclaimed as we walked in. She extended her arms, pulling the both of us in for a hug, "I am so excited for tonight!" she whispered. After pulling away from her embrace she took our hands and led us towards the nail bar. She sat Jess in front of Amber and me in front of her. "Okay Livy Lou what are we doing for you today?"

"I was thinking I would let you have your fun, i'll show you what i'm wearing and you can do whatever" I explained.

"fun, fun, fun" she giggled, clapping her hands together. I pulled up a picture on my phone and showed it to her. "oh wow that's beautiful. Okay lets get started."

An hour and a half had passed and both me and Jess had a fresh mani and pedi for tonight.

When we were young | Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now