Chapter 15

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The next week consisted of interviewing multiple managers to cover The Rose Den for the duration of our little trip. There were a few contenders that would fit perfectly for the job which was surprisingly lucky for us. I had also managed to arrange a few other performers to perform other than Ryan to give him and his band a little break. The new performers were old friends of mine from when I first moved to New York, there was an old bar in which I would do the open mic night and that's how I met them.

I'd told Aaron that we were leaving to start our road trip on the 20th of September. As the journey was only 3hr50min it wouldn't actually take us that long but me and Jess wanted it to be an actual road trip so we planned to stop at a couple of places on the way, which spread the journey over two days. Aaron was going to drive down to meet us the next day, giving us a day to relax before introducing him to my dad. Which was very scary for me. Me and Aaron have had sex multiple times since the first time, getting better at it, but I still couldn't help comparing the experience with him to with Chris.

Chris and I had still only exchanged a couple of texts, neither of us really had a lot to say since that phone call. Scott however had a lot to say about that night. He had spent an hour on our last phone call lecturing me about it. I do however know that Scott is just looking out for me, he is basically my brother, although sometimes he acts like he is my father which is kinda weird. My actual father however was very happy that I was visiting home as I hadn't been in a hot minute. I was definitely excited to see him, and all my other friends from home.


The 19th of September flew around way quicker than expected. Jess was the one who had a car so she would be driving and I would take over if she needed a break. She decided that spending the night at my apartment would be the best idea as we could get an early start. We would of got an early start if Jess didn't bump into Chase and invited him round for drinks until early in the morning. As well as making friends with Seb when he was filming Gossip Girl we also became friends with Chase. Although we didn't see him as much as we'd liked as he was barely in town. Anyway, as Chase didn't leave my apartment until 2am, it meant that we slept through our alarm and didn't wake up till 1pm which was much later than we expected. We ended up just driving straight there and we would do the road trip on the way back.

We finally arrived at about 6pm, including all the traffic and the fact that we didn't leave till 2pm. Either way we got there just in time for my dads legendary Chilli. "Hello poppets" he smiled, pulling me in for a hug and then pulling Jess in for one. "Good to see my girls!" he chuckled as he helped lug our suitcases inside. I was going to stay in my old room and Jess was going to stay in the spare room. As we were already in our comfy clothes from traveling we didn't feel the need to change. I headed straight to the fridge, grabbing us all beers. "How have you girls been?" my dad asked eagerly as he took a sip of beer.

"Not too bad, the speakeasy is doing good and I've been seeing someone" I smiled at him.

"So I've heard" he raised his brow, "You forget I speak to Lisa everyday, she told me about how Chris told her about your little date. I am so glad you too finally worked things out, I always knew you were going to end up together" he smiled proudly.

"Er Dad I'm not with Chris" I glanced between him and Jess. She was clearly unable to stifle her laugh as she began giggling like a little girl. "Your actually going to meet my new boyfriend, he is travelling down tomorrow."

"Oh my bad sorry. Well this is going to be awkward" his eyes began to widen as he replied.

"Whats going to be awkward dad?" I questioned.

"Well I sort of invited the Evans over tomorrow for dinner" he paused.

"All of them?" I whispered, he nodded slowly In response, "oh dear god, oh fuck". As I began panicking Jess and my dad thought it was absolutely hilarious. "When you say all of them do you mean-" I started to ask.

"Yes Chris is going to be there" dad confirmed. Fuck fuckety fuck. I am so royally fucked right now. Jess started to cackle like a witch, "Don't make me call Seb and invite him" I warned, this instantly shut her up and my dad furrowed his brow in confusion.

We spent the rest of the evening catching up, eating and drinking. If anything my dad was British so he knew how to drink. As my mum was Australian and my dad British it meant I knew how to drink also. And when we were together we definitely egged each other on. Jess eventually decided to call it a night and headed up to bed. Dad and I moved to the porch swing, not wanting to keep Jess up. I had a blanket wrapped around me, my dads blanket was the glass of whiskey in his hand, keeping him plenty warm enough. "So you going to tell me about Chris?" he questioned.

"Nope" I answered taking a swig of beer, putting extra emphasis on the 'p'.

"Come on why not? Talk to your old man" he insisted.

"We just hung out a couple of times. As friends."

"Listen to me and listen carefully. But back then that boy used to look at you the way I used to look at your mother"

"Your so horrifically cheesy dad, I hope you know that!" I giggled.

"I think it may be to do with this stuff" he answered, holding up his almost empty glass.

"Okay dad. I think I'm going to go to bed too" I tried to suppress a yawn as I spoke.

"Wuss!" he burst out, "It's okay, I know no one can keep up with my drinking tolerance!"

"You keep telling yourself that dad" I chuckled, giving him a kiss on the cheek before heading back inside. I changed out of my joggers and jumper, and into my old foo fighter t-shirt before brushing my teeth in my bathroom and climbing into bed. I was more tired than expected, my eyelids grew heavier as I struggled to keep them open. Finally I gave in.

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