Chapter 4

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The opening night

The deep red silky dress complimented my olive complexion, clinging to my small waist and hips. Jess had helped me curl and pin my hair to the side, it was in a side parting my long curls flowing down my back and over my right shoulder. I'd done somewhat natural face makeup with a smoky brown eye which accentuated my green eyes and a soft red lip creating a full pout. Taking a deep breath and letting it go, My nerves where through the roof. Jess was wearing a flowing lacey black dress which contrasted her gorgeous fawn skin. I glanced down at my phone 6:27pm, people would start arriving at 7pm, I was not ready. "you look beautiful stop worrying!" Jess insisted, I do not understand how she was not a puddle of nerves right now. I guess she has always been gracefully confident, i'd always admired that trait of hers but right now I wanted to hit her. If my hands weren't shaking as much as they were I probably would of done it. My dad was the first here, other than the staff. His silver hair glimmering in the low lit room.

6:59, friends started to flood in, as we were greeting them I spotted Scott walking through the door. Excusing myself from the couple I was conversing with I ran over to him, flinging my arms around his neck. "I've missed you!" I burst out. Pulling my arms from his neck, he pushed me out in front of him, looking me up and down.

"well you just look fantastic!" he gasped. It was true, not one to toot my own horn, but after years of being insecure about myself, I finally did something. Self-love can do a lot for a person. I was in the best shape I'd ever been.

"so do you" I touched his now bearded face, it had been a few years since I last saw him and he looked so handsome in his white shirt and grey trousers. I pulled him back into my embrace.

Time passed by and everyone was here, although I hadn't seen Seb yet, he was probably lurking around here somewhere. I was talking to a few of Jess' model friends as music played in the background. The low-lit room looked amazing, all our friends and family were scattered around the room. My dad had found his way to Scott, pulling him into a bear hug which I could not save him from. I walked up to the balcony to get some fresh air before I went on stage. We had our set planned but left a couple of slots for songs free so we could choose different ones depending the mood. All I knew is that I was 100% ready for anything to happen.

Chris' POV

Mackie and I were visiting Sebastian in NY, where he insisted that we came along with him to his friends 'speakeasy' opening. We waited in a que were we had to be on the list which the security guard was holding. "Names" the unusually large man barked.

"Sebastian Stan, I should have a plus two" Seb replied.

"I've got Sebby Stan on the list, would that be you?" the man questioned. Okay I definitely like his friends if they put his name down as that I thought to myself. Mackie and I grinned at each other before waiting for Sebastian's response.

"Yep, that's me" he added emphasis of the 'p'. The man opened the red velvet rope to let us through. I could hear jazzy music as we walked down the stairs. Along the walls were amazing black and white photos of New York and various other places. As we reached the bottom of the stairs a buzz of people echoed across the room. Seb lead the way and Mackie and I followed. It looked amazing, I glanced around the room, there were red velvet booths a grand wooden bar, the walls were decorated by similar photos as the ones from earlier. I must get in contact with the owner and get some for myself. A short Korean woman walked over to us, pulling Seb into a hug.

"the place looks great J! Where's Liv?" he asked.

"She will be around her somewhere, probably getting ready to go on" the woman smiled, she broke eye contact with Seb and looked at us, "Hi I'm Jess and i'm sure my co-girl is prancing around here somewhere, you will see her in a bit she's performing" she gushed.

"i'm Anthony" Mackie stuck his hand out, taking Jess'. She glanced at me, raising her eyebrows as if to ask 'who are you'.

"Chris" I smiled, still in awe of the beautiful room. I looked at all the different people dancing and talking, pretty sure I saw Scott.

"nice to meet you, I have to go get Liv and if I don't see you later thank you for coming" she smiled before disappearing off into the crowd. I walked in the direction of the bar to get a drink, and there was Scott, perched on a velvet bar stool. Slapping my hand on his shoulder I grinned.

"what are you doing here man?" I questioned in shock, pulling him into a hug. After pulling away I noticed a confused look plastered on his face.

"Liv invited me" his brows were furrowed in confusion "what are you doing here?"

"Seb brought me and Anthony, who's Liv?" I replied, slightly offended by my brothers comment. I caught the attention of the bar tender and ordered myself a whiskey. Suddenly the music was cut and all attention was directed towards the stage were a bad was setting up. Jess walked onto stage grabbing the microphone.

"Hello lovelies, we just wanna say thank you for coming, it means the world to us!" she smiled. A second woman appears on stage, wearing a red dress which clung to her gorgeous figure. She was exceptionally beautiful and looked so familiar.

"Hi, we love you so much, thank you for making this night so special for us" the other woman had a British accent "before we all drink to much I wanna say thank you to the four most special people in my life. First Jess, my person, my partner in crime" she looked at Jess and smiled. "Secondly Sebby I know your around here somewhere, i love you, thank you for everything." I looked over at Seb who was waving at her and blowing a kiss. Damn those green eyes are so familiar. "Also Scott, my dear, dear friend" i watched her search the crowd until her gaze finally landed on where we were. Oh shit. Olivia Rose. Her face dropped as she made eye contact with me. I shouldn't be here, she is not going to want me here. Quickly regaining her composure she his whatever she felt about me being here. She was always good at hiding what she felt. Olivia did look unreal though, gorgeous, i didn't even recognise her at first. "Finally, my dad. My rock. Thank you for everything, i love you". I didn't listen to what she said next, i just looked at Scott who looked right back at me. Fuck.

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