Chapter 10

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By the time I had arrived back at my apartment the sun had almost set. A pinky-orange glow radiated through the room. My lips lightly tingled from the previous events. Feeling sticky from the residue of the drink, I decided to take a shower, also secretly hoping it would calm my busy mind. Deep down I knew that the kiss would have no impact on Chris life, he would be back in LA kissing insanely gorgeous actresses in no time. That thought both calmed me and made my heart sink. I still was undecisive on what I wanted it to mean. Of course I love Chris, but I don't know if I'm ready to allow him to come back into my life. My dad used to tell me how messy and complicated love can be but also how unbelievably beautiful it can be. Right now all I was feeling was the messy, complicated side of it. I still remember the beautiful aspect though. The constant want to be surrounded by their presence. Every ounce of joy that would fill you from their laughter. The spark which danced around your skin from a single touch. I allowed myself to enjoy the beautiful side of the love I had for Chris for a moment as the hot water hit my skin.

After getting out the shower, I continued with my skincare routine, smoothing moisturiser across my face. I slipped into the sweat-pant shorts and white cropped tank I brought down with me and left my bathroom. My wet curls hung down my back. As I was preparing my dinner there was a knock at my door. I walked over, peeping through the small hole, there he was. He nibbled on his lip with anxiety. Hesitantly I opened the door. As his eyes met mine, that all familiar butterfly sensation began in my stomach. "Hi" he smiled softly, it didn't quite reach his eyes like it does when its genuine.

"Hi" I whispered back, instantly cringing at how small I sounded. I opened the door further, allowing him to come inside. He waited for me to sit down on the sofa before he followed and sat down himself.

"I need you to hear me out before you reply. Because I know you and I know you can't resist making comments but please listen" He glanced at me, raising his eyebrows. I nodded before he continued to talk. "I know we have history, and I fucked up.."

"Badly" he narrowed his eyes at my comment "Right sorry, carry on" I made a zipping gesture across my mouth.

"You don't trust me and I know that. We have our shit, but we were best friends first and you will always mean everything to me. What I said before, that I didn't love you, I never ever meant that, a part of me will always love you. Before you say anything, I know that a relationship with me is the last thing you want but please just let me be your friend again. I'm willing to do anything just to have you in my life just the tiniest bit." After he confessed that, I just sat there. Speechless. I love him of course I do but I'm not ready for him to know that. Hell I don't even know if I'm ready for him to walk back into my life again, but I guess he has already done that.

"Okay" I whispered. He seemed just as shocked as I was at the words that came out my mouth. Relief washed over his face along with his usual shit-eating smile. "Just my friend" I stated, his smile dropped but he still nodded acceptingly.

I stood up, making my way to the kitchen. I just needed a second to myself to process what I just got into. "Are you staying?" I called out to him.

"If that's okay?" he shouted back. Fuck. I continued to prepare the food I was making. Just a simple past and pesto. My phone begun to ring as I started to boil the water for the pasta.



"Hey Scotty!" I exclaimed.

"What have you done? Why are you so happy? did you do something slutty?" he questioned suspiciously.

"I'm not that happy" I joked. Chris starting calling my name from the other room.

"Who's that?" Scott questioned. Chris then came into view, Sebastian and Jess behind him. I shot them a smile and a small wave before turning my attention back to Scott on the other end of the phone.

"Chris just let Seb and Jess in, why don't you come over? Your only in town for a couple more days" I asked hopefully.

"I'll be over in 30. Love you"

"Love you too" I replied before he hung up. "Scott is coming over" I announced to the group. Jess walked over to me giving me a kiss on the cheek before helping herself to a beer in the fridge, handing one to me and two to Seb for him and Chris.

"Hello darling" Seb smiled before turning to Chris as they both walked into the living room.

"Okay I need all the deets!" Jess exclaimed "What is he doing here?"

"We hung out today. As friends" I put emphasis on the word friends, making sure she didn't get any ideas. I picked up the pan holding the hot water, walking over to the sink I poured it away. Grabbing my beer from the island worktop I walked back into the living room, hoping that Jess wouldn't ask anymore questions, I already knew that I would be catching an earful from Scott later. Before I could forget I sent him a quick text asking him to pick up a couple of pizzas.

After Scott had arrived we all hung out for a while. I forgot how good it felt when Chris made me laugh. It was beginning to feel like before. Before all the hurt.

~ sorry this chapter is kinda short, im not really sure where I want to go with this plot, any ideas? xx~

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